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学到了很多。Tremendous amounts.

这是一个巨大的转变。This is a tremendous shift.

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他们面临巨大的障碍They faced tremendous barriers.

它矿产资源丰富It had tremendous riches in ore.

叶晨对我的影响极大。Yechen had a tremendous impact on me.

“轻度狂躁”的人有着惊人的精力。Hypomanic people have tremendous energy.

这里发生了巨大的变化。Tremendous changes have taken place here.

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这巨大的成就是如何实现的?How did this tremendous success come about?

这导致他和教堂的关系极为紧张There's tremendous tension with the church.

我们目睹了这个城市的巨大变化。We witness tremendous changes in the city.

整齐划一反而会带来巨大的灾难和风险。It can lead to tremendous disaster and risk.

全教会一起祷告,将会产生非常巨大的力量。The power of a praying church is tremendous.

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两者都忽略了人们热爱书籍的巨大力量。Both ignore the tremendous power of book love.

我授权你们,向他们放一排狠毒的排枪。I authorize you to hit 'em a tremendous whack.

房奴的生活承受着巨。Mortgage slaves live under tremendous pressure.

我的心中充满了悲伤与懊悔。I am filled with tremendous sadness and remorse.

玛尼妞第一次参加“库立格”是一次不平常的经历。Manya's first kulig was a tremendous experience.

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门多萨在他的全盛时斯深受大家欢迎。In his day,Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity.

而希腊的文明则是不连续的The Greek world has this tremendous discontinuity.

我看到了广大群众的惊人力量。I have witnessed the tremendous energy of the masses.