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就像是我们中文里说的“废话”!All I said was "duh".

呃,我感觉像自己是个白痴。Duh. I felt like an idiot.

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也许你会说,“额,好了。You may be saying, “Well, duh.

嗯……你必须先把车窗摇上去!Duh you have to roll up the windows first!

在生命已经消逝之后还会有生命吗Well, duh. Could there be life after there is no more life?

我相信对这一见解的恰当反应就是“废话!”I believe that the appropriate response to this insight is “Well, duh.

一个海边别墅或者一个市中心的房子是一个很不错的选择。Well, duh. But seriously, a beach home or downtown pied-a-terre can be pretty tempting.

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KCTV5报导,这种断言只是门厅里谈及的观点。唉,这是高中。KCTV5 reported that the allegations were the talk of the halls. Duh. This is high school.

好吧,如果你把一块猪肉放在案板上一天,肯定就会发现这些。Well duh. If you leave a slab of pork out all day on the counter something'?s bound to happen.

斯蒂芬妮指出雅各布曾告诉过贝拉关于冷血生灵很久之前曾经在这个地区生活过的事。She pointed out when Jacob told Bella about the cold ones living in the area a long time ago. Duh.

特朗普真是个聪明人,他知道其他国家在发展强力武器就像我们一样。嗯哼。Dang, Trump is so smart. He knew other countries were developing powerful weapons, just like we have. Uh duh.

这似乎是一个“失望”点,可是很多公司都放空言,而那些真正做到的企业则脱颖而出。This seems like a "duh" point, but so many companies make empty claims that the companies who actually do what they say stand out.

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嗯…正直的人都知道我们的当选总统为了赢得选举而和俄罗斯协作。Duh. There can be no question by anyone with an ounce of integrity that Russia and our elected President worked together to get him elected.

是的,是的——最简单的答案就是“让火狐保存你的密码”,而且即使是强大的火狐也可以使用得更加安全,也可以让它记住任何密码。Yes, yes—the "duh" answer is "use Firefox to save your passwords, " but even the mighty 'fox can be used more securely, and made to remember any password.