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训练者获胜。Winners train.

训练你的狗。Train your dog.

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训练你的灵感。Train your muse.

咣当一声,火车撞了。Bang! Train hits.

他乘上一列火车。He got on a train.

火车向前奔驰。The train sped on.

你必须训练。You have to train.

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这是直达车吗?Is it direct train?

坐班车还是坐火车?By coah or by train?

你可以坐火车去吗?Can you go by train?

我跑进火车。I run onto the train.

我要到火车站去迎接你。I'll meet your train.

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请给我买张快车的票吧。The fast train please.

火车越来越近了。The train came nearer.

火车轰鸣着驶过。The train roared past.

列车放慢了速度。The train slowed down.

火车呜的一声飞驰而过。The train zoomed past.

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注意别搭错火车。Look out for the train.

他们坐上了直达快车。Ride the express train.

坐火车游欧洲。Toured Europe by train.