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注意到我没提蓝的问题了吗?Notice how I didn't mention OoM issues just now?

像所有的回蓝天赋一样,如果你发现你会空蓝的话就去点它。As with all mana regen talents, take it if you find you're running OOM.

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不过呢,在ET2我还是新手不太熟悉他们的系统。However, I'm new here in ET2 and not too familiar with their chatr oom.

在蝰蛇之外,什么才是让治疗迅速OOM的最好途径呢?逼他治疗。What's the best way to OOM a healer aside from Viper Sting? Force him to heal.

在人生的道路上共同努力向前,清楚并且相信他们是上天赐给我们的一份特殊的礼物。Z oom ahead together in life, aware and confident that they are unique gifts to me.

房型正气,开发商装修,全明房型,送10平方露台。R oom decoration, upright, developers all bright house types, send 10 square balcony.

房型正气,开发商装修,全明房型,送12平方露台。R oom decoration, upright, developers all bright house types, send 12 square balcony.

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这是一个烧伤争取有大到一个地步,尽管所有瓶子,壶,以及东西,你走的OOM。This is a burn fight as there reaches a point where despite all flasks, pots, and stuff, you go oom.

自然,我们不期望你们在几秒钟内OOM,但我们也不期望你们切切不用顾及自身的蓝条。While we don't want you to go OOM in a few seconds, we don't want you to ignore the mana bar either.

星期天,我带着全家到杰弗里吃饭,也还是一路敞篷,即使当时是忧郁的六月天,我们都穿着保暖的衣服。On Sunday, I took my family to Geoffrey's for brunch, again top down – even with June GL oom and warm CLothing.

一开始我就用低级技能,我想尽可能长时间的的避免空蓝。From the start of the game im using low rank's of abilities too, I want to prevent myself from going oom for as long as possible.

为了逃出去,我带着狗出去遛了遛。我回来的时候正巧碰见她出来,手里拿的东西是——我的电动牙刷。I took the dog around the block to get out of the house, and I came back to see her leaving herr Black oom. my electric toothbrush in her hand Mail.

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较之传统的面向过程的软件设计思想,面向对象的方法使程序的可理解性、可控性、重用性及模块性大大提高。The program designed by OOM method is much more understandable, controllable, reusable and modular than the traditional one designed by process oriented idea.