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骨粉是很好的肥料。Bone meal is great fertilizer.

农民们用大米换肥料。Farmers bartered rice for fertilizer.

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拖拉机把肥料拉走了。The tractor hauled the fertilizer away.

种植的头年不要使用化肥。Do not use fertilizer for the first year.

给这棵花再多施些肥料。Get some more fertilizer for this flower.

而是美丽和风韵的肥料。But beautiful and Charm of the fertilizer.

这种肥料能用手撒布。The fertilizer can be distributed by hand.

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移植时用催肥肥料。When transplanting use starter fertilizer.

锰肥效果好于锌肥。Effect of Mn fertilizer was higher than Zn.

我来听听你们有关化肥的报盘。I came to hear about your fertilizer offer.

施这种化肥,可以使水稻复壮。Fertilizer of this kind can rejuvenate rice.

磷钾肥对小麦产量的效应也表现出相同的趋势。P fertilizer and K fertilizer were the same.

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化肥可改变牧草的组成。Fertilizer modify the composition of herbage.

“桃花流水鳜鱼肥”。Peach Blossom water mandarin fish fertilizer.

杆儿腐烂后会成为很好的肥料。The stalks will rot and make good fertilizer.

灰化肥挥发会发黑。Gray fertilizer volatilization would be black.

核桃栽植施基肥十分重要。It is of great importance to apply fertilizer.

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对于老树而言,需要减少施肥量。For mature trees reduce the amount of fertilizer.

供试肥料为优质猪圈肥。The organic fertilizer was high quality pig turd.

添加剂是复混肥料中不可忽视的组分。Additive was an important for compound fertilizer.