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如果他还在生气,肯家会保持沉默。If he's still angry, he's conspicuously silent.

标有明显的逃生通道吗?B. 11.13 Are escape routes conspicuously marked?

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我喜欢穿得好,但又不太引人注目。I like to be well-dressed, but not too conspicuously.

平常的庆贺人群明显稀稀拉拉。The usual congratulatory crowd was conspicuously absent.

小膜3的内侧动基列明显短于其它两列。Inner row of P3 conspicuously shorter than the other two.

她在该问题的公开辩论中惹人注目。She figured conspicuously in the public debate on the issue.

小膜3由三列动基列组成,其内侧动基列明显短于其它两列。P3 composed of three rows, inner row conspicuously shorter than the other two.

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重返球场那一天,我在小腿肚上很醒目地裹上了弹性绷带。For my return, I sported an elastic bandage wrapped conspicuously around my calf.

小膜3由三列动基列组成,外侧两列动基列排列紧密且明显长于内侧动基列。P3 with three rows, outer two closely spaced and conspicuously longer than inner row.

不仅股票买家明显的心不在焉,很多抛售的人也是被迫的。Not only are buyers of stocks conspicuously absent, but much of the selling is forced.

很显然,这条禁令没有能够阻止中国国家级以下的政府间接地借债。It conspicuously failed to stop China’s sub-national governments from borrowing indirectly.

一个因素显眼缺少一套布尔运算是异或。One element conspicuously missing from the set of Boolean operations is that of Exclusive-OR.

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虽说这意味着伍兹也会随着史坦伯格转会到卓越体育管理公司旗下,但是引人注目的是,史坦伯格的声明里并未提到伍兹的名字。Although that means Excel gets Woods too, the icon was conspicuously absent from the announcement.

因此,山脉是明显突出于其周围环境之上的庞大孤零的大陆块。Thus mountains are large isolated land masses that project conspicuously above their surroundings.

很多弹性理论书显然没有把弹性稳定性理论写进去。The theory of elastic stability is conspicuously absent from many books on the theory of elasticity.

在一个平静的博物馆中昏暗的档案室里,一本厚厚的古书被摆在了很显著的位置。In the somber archives of a sedate museum a large archaic volume is somewhat conspicuously displayed.

很快,阿尔玛撤手政治,突尼斯成立了新的平民政府。Soon after, Ammar conspicuously stepped aside to allow for the creation of a new civilian government.

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削减出口补贴并没有明显的降低中国的贸易顺差。Cuts in export subsidies have not conspicuously shrunk China's massive trade surplus or export earnings so far.

削减出口补贴远远没有达到明显降低中国大额外贸顺差,或明显减少出口收益的效果。Cuts in export subsidies have not conspicuously shrunk China’s massive trade surplus or export earnings so far.

在中国逢低买盘热潮中明显缺席的国家是美国。The one country that appears conspicuously absent from China's corporate bargain-hunting spree is the United States.