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围成一个圆圈。Create a circle.

站成一个小圈。Make a small circle.

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“这是一个良性循环”。It’s a virtuous circle.

听,读,画圈。Listen, read and circle.

大家看,把名字圈起来。Go through and circle it.

我们兜了个圈子又回到原处。We have come full circle.

这个蓝环是什么?What is this blue circle?

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矢量圆图。Vector circle infographic.

它沿着圆周运动It's going around a circle.

拉普兰,北极圈。Lapland, the Arctic Circle.

银是S加上一个圈。Silver was S with a circle.

我们在这里画一个圆。So here we have our circle.

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告诉我圆圈的终点在哪里。Show me the end of a circle.

从画圆开始。Start by drawing the circle.

她注意到树丛旁边有一些奇怪的东西,那是一圈蘑菇!It was a circle of mushrooms!

想你就在月圆时。Miss you at the month circle.

从前,有一只圆圈缺了一块楔子。Once, a circle missed a wedge.

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轮子转了一个大圈。The wheel is come full circle.

在某一时刻会出现一个圆环。At some point a circle appears.

形成一种非良性循环。It forms a non-virtuous circle.