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他有着亲切沙哑的声线。He had a pleasant, husky voice.

老师以嘶哑的声音说话。The teacher speaks wtih a husky voice.

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“谢谢,”海茨帕说,她的声音有点儿沙哑。"Thank you, " said Hesper. Her voice was husky.

他组织战争的经验是无与伦比的。The husky is unequalled for stamina and endurance.

你曾听过哈士奇对著月亮的哭嚎?。Have you ever hear the Husky cry to the blue corn moon?

或可乘坐爱斯基摩犬拉的雪橇游览群山。Or they can take a husky drawn sled ride through the snow.

粗哑的声音在使劲地讲述着稀奇古怪的事情。Cracked and husky voices pronounced forcibly upon odd matters.

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随后他打断了我的话语,他的声音沙哑而低沉,几乎在耳语。He cut me off then, his voice husky and low, almost a whisper.

她很小,但是有一个低沉而沙哑的声音,她声音非常大。She’s tiny, but with a deep, husky voice, and she’s very loud.

杭州下沙大学城哪里租房便宜?Where husky University City rent house is cheap under Hangzhou?

听说你有一只漂亮的哈士奇,叫什么?I heard that you have a nice husky. What name did you gave to him?

可是,原本非常开心的旅行却被一个意外给搅乱了,几头狼袭击了他们的一只雪橇犬。But the trip is plunged into disaster when wolves attack one of the Husky teams.

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乘坐狗狗拉的雪橇或乘坐雪上汽车来一次旅行,还可以尝试一下冰潭中的冬泳!A husky dog or snowmobile safari, sleigh ride or take the plunge into an ice pool.

演珍珠的莫根太太紧张得手足无措,荷格兰太太则吓得嗓子也沙哑了。Mrs. Morgan, as Pearl, was stiff with fright. Mrs. Hoagland was husky in the throat.

爱斯基摩狗胸部宽厚,脖子粗大,腿脚壮健,生来适于拖拉重载。Built for hard pulling, the Husky has a deep wide chest, thick neck and iron-hard legs.

他拥有一副深沉有力、充满爆发力的嗓音,声音略带沙哑却不失情深。He has a deep, commanding, powerhouse voice that is both a little husky and soulful, too.

过厅充满了一片乱糟糟的喧嚣和醉汉嘶哑的喘息声。The vestibule was filled with the unseemly sounds of scuffling and drunken, husky gasping.

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北极绒鸭在雪橇犬的狗舍之间筑了巢,总共有100对上下。A colony of Eider ducks has made its home between the husky kennels , about 100 pairs in all.

他的声音是生硬沙哑的男高音部,增加了他带给人的暴躁印象。His speaking voice, a gruff husky tenor, added to the impression offractiousness he conveyed.

娜塔丽为她和色迷迷的国王的调情戏谑做出了一种沙哑的、卖弄风情的嗓音。Natalie puts on a husky sexy voice for the billing and cooing she does with the amorous King.