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凯恩重复道,“没有共性。”Cain repeated, "No commonality."

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在竞选活动中,奥巴马就是共性。In the campaign, Obama was that commonality.

第二个共性就是动员的工具不同。The second commonality has been the tools used to mobilise dissent.

这种拓扑形成了企业范围公共的服务定义。This topology fosters enterprisewide commonality of service definitions.

一方水土养一方人,方言代表了一个群体的共性。We are all what we eat. Dialect represents a commonality of native Beijingers.

这是因为在不同的DSL之间存在相当多典型的公共部分。This is because there is typically a lot of commonality even between diverse DSLs.

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研究结果显示三种类型团体的共通性与独特性。The Results reflected both commonality and uniqueness of the three types of groups.

必须用共性和可变性分析对需求活动进行扩充。Requirements activities must be augmented with commonality and variability analysis.

大多数国家都是国际协定的缔约国,都承认这种共同性。Most nations are parties to international agreements that recognize this commonality.

继之,利用反义词的共性,对其词义特点进行分析。So we can analyze the feature of meaning depending on the commonality of the antonyms.

此时第一个域相同的地方就会被识别出来,匹配项也就进行了合并。The commonality of the first field was identified, and the matching entries were combined.

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地域性跟共通性有的时候并不冲突,他们是你的左右两手。Regionality and commonality do not conflict, just as they are your left hand and right hand.

不过,他们也越来越强烈地感觉到全球客户的共性。Increasingly, however, they also have a strong sense of the commonality of their global consumers.

公共体育场馆是国家发展体育事业的物质保障。Commonality stadium and gymnasia are the substantial guarantee to promote the cause of national sport.

通常,在一个组织开发和维护的系统中,存在着大量的可公用的部分。Frequently, there is a great deal of commonality among the systems an organization develops and maintains.

行政权力与行政责任相伴产生,它们的关联性是行政权力公共性的表现之一。The concomitance of responsibility and power is one of exhibitions to commonality of administrative power.

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这不仅提高了构建的一致性,而且不断提高的共同性还有助于减少部署问题。This not only improves build consistency, but enforcing commonality also tends to reduce deployment issues.

方维装饰设计公司是一家专门从事商业空间、公共空间、家居别墅装饰设计及施工的专业单位。Fangwei Decoration & Design Co. in decorating and designing the business room, commonality room and the villa.

它具有一定的通用性和典型性,必定将有一定现实意义和应用前景。It is of a certain commonality and typicality , we will have some practical significance and application prospects.