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关键信息的擅离职守。Key information is AWOL.

国家评论上的战争贩子也已经偃旗息鼓了。The love of war has gone AWOL at National Review.

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晚上点名时,发觉他开了小差。At the evening roll call they discovered that he was AWOL.

自从我们入侵伊拉克以来,开小差的人数增长了一倍。The number of AWOL soldiers has doubled since we invaded Iraq.

我们往往在星期天高唱「基督精兵前进」,星期一却变成开小差的逃兵!We sing, "Onward, Christian Soldiers" on Sunday, then go AWOL on Monday.

当然,这是一场你不会去亲身犯险的战争,就像你去AWOL的时候,代替你去越南的是那些穷人。Just like when you went AWOL while the poor were shipped to Vietnam in your place.

加拉在夏天心怀对蓝军的离意去了AWOL。Gallas went AWOL during the summer after growing disenchanted with life at Stamford Bridge.

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然而,这需要资金外加某种欧洲政治缺乏的治国才能。Yet this requires money and moreover statecraft of a kind that has gone awol from European politics.

阿根廷球星卡洛斯·特维斯在缺席训练之后离离开科林蒂安又近了一步。Argentine dazzler Carlos Tevez is a step closer from leaving Corinthians after going AWOL from training.

不过贵方的通讯员掌上宝的触笔不翼而飞时,他用小拇指在6英寸小屏上游走自如。Your correspondent had no trouble using his little finger on his palmtop’s six-inch touchscreen when the stylus went AWOL.

不管是什么解释,青少年已经从电影院擅离职守今年到目前为止,并因此在票房长期低迷。Whatever the explanation, teens have been AWOL from movie houses so far this year, and as a result the box office is in a prolonged slump.

爸爸莫名其妙的消失,我妈妈又很少提起他的名字,而且我常常囊中羞涩买不起午饭,新公学里的同学都叫我穷小子。My new public-school friends called me "poor boy," the kid who often didn't have enough money for lunch and had an AWOL father whose name my mother seldom mentioned.