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以及在揭煤后采取迅速支护防止空顶和冒落等防治措施。At last, the shoring measures to prevent roof falling is tabled.

主要有三种类型的支撑,斜撑、横撑和支撑柱。There are three main types of shoring – raking , flying and dead shore.

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撑竿的长度和直径不限,但表面必须光滑。Shoring success of the Open-length and diameter, but the surface must be smooth.

德国总理在重组欧洲金融中所起的领导作用值得称道。The German chancellor's leadership in shoring up Europe's finances is commendable.

同时,教师也要注意对对媒体教学方式的正确使用,防止过犹不及,本末倒置。But teachers should use multimedia teaching correctly and don't overdo things with shoring.

这导致了一些疑问和管理畏缩过撑走得太远。That led to some managerial backpedaling and questions about whether off shoring had gone too far.

还有迹象表明中国的决策者更注重巩固农乡基本产业。There are also signs that Chinese policymakers are focusing more on shoring up rural infrastructure.

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她将参加旨在巩固阿富汗卡尔扎伊政府的喀布尔会议。She will attend the Kabul conference aimed at shoring up the Afghan government of President Hamid Karzai.

挫败北韩和伊朗发展核武器的野心对加强不扩散体制至关重要。Thwarting the nuclear ambitions of North Korea and Iran is critical to shoring up the nonproliferation regime.

在许多结构,利用支柱的支撑和模板费用能超过具体物的费用而且加强被联合的钢。In many structures, shoring and formwork cost can exceed the cost of the concrete and reinforcing steel combined.

我们正在落实主要法子音巩固我们的金融系统,呵护投资者,削减过度冒险行为。And we are doing the critical work of shoring up our financial system so that it protects investors and curbs excesses.

基坑支护的设计、施工和监测是近年来在我国逐步发展起来的一项新技术。In recent years, the design, construction and monitoring of building foundation pit shoring have been developed in China.

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政客们最爱玩“支持家庭”这样的把戏——家庭是社会的基石,是财富的来源。POLITICIANS like nothing better than shoring up the family, the building block of society and source of its future wealth.

应用收柱地支持工程师应当战记载地工程师讨教为板层决议一个平安地准予临时地背载。The shoring engineer should consult with the engineer of record to determine a safe allowable temporary load for the slab.

它们手里拿着现金,需要做的一件事是将不足的养老金缴够。One of the things they need to be doing with some of this cash is shoring up their pension funds that are currently under-funded.

当克隆人战争的战火烧到卡西克时,塔弗尔戴上了难得一用的战争首领徽章,在沿湖城市周围加固防御工事。When the Clone Wars came to Kashyyyk, Tarfful adopted the little used mantle of war chief, shoring up defenses around the coastal city.

七十岁地构造修建织物地敏理性量聚积正在挡疱之间地应用收柱地支持预先扫除运用。The sensitive nature of the architectural fabric of this seventy-year-old structure precluded the use of stacked shoring between floors.

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对于肱骨近端良性肿瘤,应尽量采用保留肩关节面,自体腓骨支撑重建的方法。For innocuous tumor at proximal humerus, reserve of shoulder joint facet and reconstruction of autologous fibular shoring should be used.

为了研究深厚冲积层井简的支护技术,引入竖向附加力,进行井壁结构设计。For the sake of researching shoring technology in the profundity alluvium, introduced Vertical additional Force and devising well structure.

某水厂工程建设场地采用施打钢板桩的支护措施。Some water factory engineering developments a measure, adopted measure for foudation pit. shoring needing to hang steel plate is super depth.