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GFR被看作是肾脏每分钟过滤的血液总量。Think of GFR as the amount of blood your kidneys are filtering per minute.

GFR是反映老年糖尿病人肾功能变化的敏感指标。GFR was a sensitive index reflecting renal function in elderly diabetic patients.

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从这个发现中,许多科学家都跨越性的认为GFR的升高会对肾脏造成更大的压力。From this finding, many scientists made the leap that a higher GFR places your kidneys under greater stress.

用耦合燃耗计算程序COUPLE2.0模拟得到了深燃耗气冷快堆的铀燃料循环的平衡态。The coupled depletion calculation code COUPLE2.0 was used to get the equilibrium states of 300 MWt pebble bed GFR.

提示GFR增高是早期IDDM肾脏功能异常表现的特点之一。It suggests that elevated GFR might be one of the abnormal characteristics of renal functional changes in early IDDM.

结论碘海醇清除率是一种较安全、可靠、无放射性的测定GFR的方法。Conclusion Clearance of iohexol is a safe, comfident, no-radioactivity method for the clinical practice of GFR determination.

结论碘海醇清除率是一种较安全、可靠、无放射性的测定GFR的方法。Conclusion Clearance of iohexol is a safe, confident, no-radioactivity method for the clinical practice of GFR determination.

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在冠状动脉血管摄影后的一星期,GFR会短暂地下降,但这是完全可逆的。A transient decline in GFR was demonstrated in the first week following coronary angiography but this was entirely reversible.

相关分析表明,肾组织中NO与GFR呈正相关,与尿蛋白排泄量、基底膜厚度呈负相关。Relative analysis demonstrated NO in renal tissue was positively correlated with GFR but negatively correlated with urinary protein contents and basement membrane thickness.

对患有微量白蛋白尿的2型糖尿病患者的深度多因素临床干预几乎阻止了糖尿病蛋白尿的进展,但却能改变GFR减低的结局。Intensive multifactorial intervention in patients with type 2 diabetes with microalbuminuria nearly halved the progression of proteinuria but did not alter the rate of GFR decline.

如果你发现在没有微量蛋白尿或巨量蛋白尿的情况下,GFR估计值在60以下,那么这个公式就是无效的,患者的风险并没有升高。It is still valid but if you find someone with an estimated GFR below 60 without microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria then the story is that the risk for this patient is not elevated.