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难以长应付这高这深。Durance deal with that steep or deep.

或者有什麽可以将我的口舌囚禁至死?Or put my tongue in durance for to die?

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而我们耐力也有穷难以长应付这高这深。Nor does long our small Durance deal with that steep or deep.

以往的一切你能想认识埃丽耐磨性工地。The everything you could ever want to know about Erica Durance site.

在罗讷河畔,南距迪朗斯河和罗讷河汇合处4公里。At sur-rhone, north Durance River and the confluence rhone 4 kilometers.

在三维立体空间对物体成像,突破了平面显示的禁锢。Images are generated within a region of 3D space and break the durance of plane display.

“成为路易斯·莱恩”特辑访谈诺尔·尼尔,马戈特·基德尔,丹娜·德莱尼和埃里卡·乔杰斯。"Being Lois Lane" featuring interviews with Noel Neill, Margot Kidder, Dana Delaney and Erica Durance.

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一部中国文明史就是禁锢和传播、传播和反传播的历史。A history of Chinese civilization is the one with durance and communication or communication and anti-communication.

那个没有养成读书习惯的人,以时间和空间而言,是受着他眼前的世界所禁锢的。If a person hasn't formed reading habit, he is in durance of his small world around him when taking time and space into account.

不缠足运动打破了对妇女身体的禁锢,是中国妇女解放运动的突破口。The "Anti-footbinding" movement was an important milestone for the women's liberation as it released durance of women for the last centuries.

并且对场地大小、上场人数、比赛时间及裁判规则都做出了严格规定。In addition, strict rules were prescribed for the size of the competition site, the number of people entering on the site, durance of competition and rules of judge.

在我国,新时期伊始,文学领域摆脱了十年动乱的禁锢和“左”的思潮的束缚,各种体裁的文学创作空前繁荣。At the beginning of the new period, the having slipped the leash of the durance of decade turmoil and pinko thoughts, all types of literature creations was flourishing.

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我坚持我的观点,如果重视基本技能的学习,将会禁锢我们的思想,导致我们很难在生活和工作中带来创新思想。I insist on my ideas. if we are very important to the basic skills study , we will durance our thought , lead to I will difficult in find news things and thinks at every day and work.

东汉后期,伴随着大一统政权的崩溃,士人群体从思想的禁锢中解放出来,开始走向自我,思考个体生命的存在。As the unified regime collapsed in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, clerisies then got free from idealistic durance and came to their self-consciousness, thinking over the existence of the individuals.