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也许她做过产前亲子鉴定。She may have had a prenatal paternity test done.

给自己一点恩惠吧,安排一次产前按摩。Do yourself a favor and schedule a prenatal massage.

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现在音乐胎教正日益为人们所接受。Music prenatal education is now increasingly accepted.

我就是从四个月开始进行胎教的。Is how I would begin four months of prenatal education.

了解产前检测染色体异常检测。Learn about prenatal testing for chromosomal abnormalities.

如果我们有一种自闭症的产前检查,这是否是可欲的?If there was a prenatal test for autism, would this be desirable?

如今,"每一位来做孕期检查的人都接受检测。Now “everybody is tested when they walk in for a prenatal checkup.

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现已有专门的胎教音乐录音磁带上市。Prenatal education has been a dedicated music recording tape listed.

胎儿已具备听力,能听见声音,可开始进行胎教了。Fetus already have hearing now and you can begin a prenatal education.

只有适合母亲和胎儿的音乐才可以称为胎教音乐。Only the music for mother and fetus can only be called prenatal music.

结论产前MRI对于诊断胎盘植入具有重要价值。Conclusion MRI is valuable for prenatal diagnosis of placental invasion.

此方法简便、迅速,为产前诊断奠定了基础,可以推广于临床。It is simple, rapid and reliable, and can be used in prenatal diagnosis.

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另外,智商高分组中胎教儿童占绝大多数。In addition, the high IQ group in the majority of children prenatal care.

羊膜穿刺术是出生前检测非整倍体的金标准。Amniocentesis is the standard prenatal detection procedure for aneuploidy.

FISH是一种新型产前诊断失天愚型的有效方法。FISH is a new, effective method for prenatal diagnosis of Down's syndrome.

大多数孕妇未做产前检查,往往在家中分娩。Most pregnant women did not receive prenatal checkups and gave birth at home.

你可以去医院建卡了,然后定期去做产前检查。You can go to the hospital cards, and then periodically do prenatal check-up.

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对多数夫妇来说,决定进行产前检查是比较容易的事情。For many couples the decision to go through with prenatal testing is a no-brainer.

胎儿及新生儿接触汞会造成智障,耳聋,失明。Prenatal and infant exposure can cause mental retardation, deafness and blindness.

他们只被检查怀孕期是否暴露,正常情况下问题要小一些。They were checked only for prenatal exposure, which is normally less of a problem.