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她跳舞时扭动着臀部十分诱人。She swayed her hips sensuously as she danced.

灵魂既有居住的地方,当然是在空间中,可以用感官去表象的。Of course, if the soul have a seat, it is in space and sensuously envisaged.

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喝下这耀眼的金色美酒,您会感到一种美妙的温和贯通全身。When you drink the gloriously golden wine, a sensuously smooth will pass through your Body.

有意识的亲近她,以很享受的态度允许双方的性活力逐渐展开。Approach her consciously and sensuously allowing their mutual sexual energy to gradually develop.

方法感官品评与理化成分分析相结合。Methods Defluorided brick-tea was sensuously judged and its physical and chemical components were analyzed.

她年纪三十五六,身子胖胖的,可是如同有些女人一样,胖得很美。She was in the middle thirties, and faintly stout, but she carried her surplus flesh sensuously as some women can.

如果你很清楚自己的能力,那么无论在寝室内外,你的那种自信都会自然流露。If you know yourself as sensuously capable, then you will exude that confidence naturally—in and out of the bedroom.

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这种深层滋润、焕发诱人芳香的润肤霜,能为身体各部位的皮肤提供格外精心细致的呵护,包括双手和膝盖。This deeply emollient, sensuously scented cream is perfect for anywhere skin needs extra pampering like hands or knees.

照片除了较少一部分拍摄的是男性,多为美丽的女性朋友而且照片很有美感,如果衣冠整齐的话。There are relatively few photographs of men, but many of beautiful and sensuously photographed – if fully clothed – women friends.

他对独特感觉具有热情,而对抽象观念十分厌恶,尽管有时候他也认为这些观念必须如此。He had a passion for the sensuously specific and a marked aversion to abstract ideas, however occasionally necessary he thought they might be.

优雅的保湿乳液,会让你的皮肤感到柔软和光滑,滋润保湿,缓解干燥粗糙的皮肤。This elegant moisturizing lotion will leave your skin feeling sensuously soft and smooth while providing nourishment and soothing relief for dry or rough areas.

许多的字形,匿名的思念与采集横卧在优雅皮草动物火光微弱露出一个肩膀一个膝盖弯曲,脚拱绮。In many of the pictographs , the Misses Nurturer Gatherer recline demurely among the furs of animals as firelight flickers on one bared shoulder , a bended knee , a sensuously arched foot.