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具高可焊性特殊电极端子。High solderability due to specially plated electrodes.

本文论述焊料可焊性试验的结果。This paper deals with results of solderability testing.

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优良的可焊性及耐热冲击性。Superior solderability and resistance to soldering heat.

三层电极保护,可焊性好。Three layers electrodes' protection, have good solderability.

封闭后的雾面锡镀层仍有良好的可焊性。The non-bright tin deposit has good solderability after sealing.

存储环境对表面的可焊性有影响。The environment of storage can affect the solderability of surface.

这就是为什么可焊性要在老化之前和之后分别进行测量。That is why the solderability was measured before and after ageing also.

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测定了锡镀层的孔隙率、可焊性和结合力。Deposit properties such as porosity, solderability and adhesion were tested.

焊锡性测试最小测试频率是否为每批一次?Is the solderability test frequency being performed at a minimum of once per lot?

水溶性的防氧化剂是一种有机可焊性保护剂。Water-soluble oxidation-resistant agent is an organic solderability preservative.

对锡-铅合金镀层的耐焊性和可焊性进行了检验以获得合格的MLCI产品。Therefore, solderability of Sn Pb alloy deposit was tested for qualified MLCI products.

长期存储可能会导致管脚可焊性差和电气性能退化。Long-term storage may result in poor lead solderability and degraded electrical performance.

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镀态下,不同条件下制得的钯镀层具有良好的沾锡能力。The solderability of as-plated Pd coatings produced under different process conditions is good.

镍和锡镀上铝制表面,具备可焊性和卓越的传导性。Nickel and tin are plated to an aluminum surface possessing solderability and superb conductivity.

优秀的终端强度和可焊性,由于结构的金属板端子电极。Excellent terminal strength and solderability due to structure of a metal plate terminal electrode.

可焊性测试是否对所有的产品和表面处理都做?说明你们的测试方法。Is solderability test being performed on all products &surface finishing? Describe your test method.

特别配有氮气保护腔,用于评价氮气保护条件对可焊性的影响。Specially including nitrogen chamber to evaluate the effect of nitrogen protection on solderability.

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有无对所有的产品和表面镀层进行可焊测试?描述您的测试方法。Is solderability test being performed on all products & surface finishing? Describe your test method.

不同活性助焊剂的使用也会影响钯镀层的焊锡性能。The use of fluxes with different activities affects the solderability and wetting balance of Pd coating.

铜导线上镀锡除提供可焊性外,还有隔离绝缘材料中硫的作用。Copper wires tin except with solderability outside, still have a isolation insulating materials of sulfur in effect.