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土地被称为不动产。Land is referred to as realty.

彩色电视真是一个奇迹。Colour television is realty a wonder.

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我在一家美国的房地产公司工作。I am working for a USA realty company.

由美联物业服务提供的主要因素。Service which provides by Midland Realty is the main factor.

美国沃那多房产公司是一个总部设在纽约的房地产投资信托公司。Vornado Realty Trust is a New York based real estate investment trust.

但是此次的对手是曾经与美寿寿打过交道的,阿功德不动产的濑古井。But the opponent is ever dealt with beauty ShouShou, o qualities of seen seto realty.

我们也提供外籍人士买屋、租屋及不动产专业资讯洽询。We offer professional House Rental, Trade and Realty consulting service for foreigners.

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房地产业作为国民经济支柱性产业,对国民经济的发展起着举足轻重的作用。The Realty Industry plays an important role in the development of economy in our nation.

在此基础上,运用因子分析法对在我国深、沪上市的房地产业的社会责任表现进行了实证分析。Then positive study by factor analysis on social responsibility in realty business in China is done.

前期物业管理招标由招标人依法组织实施。The bid-invitation of preliminary realty management shall be organized and implemented by the bid inviter.

物权法中的共有是指不动产或者动产的所有权共有,仅为狭义的共有。Co-ownership in property law refers to the common ownership of realty or chattel, which is in its narrow sense.

河北联盟房地产公司自成立以来,在竞争中发展成为石家庄市房地产界的一个知名品牌。Since its establishment, Hebei Lianmeng Realty Company has become a big brand name in Shijiazhuang realty circle.

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首先,诚挚欢迎您加入21世纪不动产上海德佑加盟店,很高兴您能成为这一团队中的一员。I want to welcome you to join CENTURY 21 Deovolente Realty . I am very pleased that you become a member of this team.

汉弗瑞先生,我是布鲁克林不动产局的加尔。我想和你定一个方便的时间,去你的阁楼估价。Mr. humphrey? it's gail from brooklyn realty. I wanted to schedule a time For our appraiser to come out to your loft.

佛罗里达电力照明和开发商基特森合伙公司表示,他们目前暂不打算利用政府的经济刺激计划资金建设太阳城。The utility and realty developers said they were not planning on using stimulus money for the projects at this point.

人们会认为在运输过程中会严格控制温度,但她说实际上不一定。One would expect then that temperature is tightly controlled in transit, but in realty she says that does not always happen.

自改革开放以来,中国找到了一条适合自己国情的促进和发展人权的道路。Since reform and opening up, China has found a road for the promotion and development of human rights that suits its realty.

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可以说,安娜与艾玛的自杀行为实质也是为自己寻求解脱而置子女家庭于不顾的自私行为。It is observed that the realty of her suicide is a selfish behavior searching extrication for herself and leaving her family.

前款所称物业服务合同包括前期物业服务合同。The term "realty service contract" as mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes a pre-completion realty service contract.

目前,房地产是中国投资过热的源头,已经成为不争的事实。It has become an unarguable reality that current realty is the headstream that makes Chinese investment to be exorbitantly hot.