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滑雪板在农舍堆了一堆。The skis are stacked outside the chalet.

欢迎光临“木屋”进口食品专营店!Welcome to " Le Chalet" Imported Food Store!

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我们踩着厚厚的积雪艰难地回到了小木屋。We struggled through the deep snow back to the chalet.

一栋便于管理的别墅,且靠近海滩—对于家庭度假来说,你还想要什么呢?An easily-run chalet near a safe beach—what more can you want for a family holiday?

房屋面积80平方米,像任何真正的农舍一样也设计为两层。The house, that has 80 square meters built, also has two floors, like any proper chalet.

这个农舍在马德里钱贝里区,位于一座60年代塔楼的12层。This chalet in the Madrid district of Chamberí, is situated in a privileged floor number 12 of a 60′s tower.

在哈博罗内的人多住在一栋一栋的房子里,而我在那里做培训也被安排住在一所有3间客房的房子!People stay in house, but not apartment in Gaborone. And I was given a chalet with 3 bedrooms to stay in as well!

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你可以住在木造小屋里,也可以住在巴德布鲁茂宾馆的草皮屋顶之下。You could stay in a chalet nearby but you might want to stay under the turfed roof of the Bad Blumau hotel itself.

课程最后有检定考试,通过者可以得到瑞士餐饮认可的国际烹饪证照。Those who pass the exams at the end gain a qualification that's recognised by chalet and villa operators worldwide.

换句话说,对饮食的掌控让他们拥有更多的时间享受瑞士别墅和私人飞机。This latest show of power, in other words, gives them all the more time to enjoy the Swiss chalet and the private jet.

我们可以高效率地工作,不管是在艾普森的一个滑雪的小木屋里,或者某个省的乡间小屋里,或者硅谷的办公室里。We can work as efficiently from a ski chalet in Aspen or a country house in Provence as from an office in Silicon Valley.

两扇窗户在两个立面上是彼此相对的,为木屋的两个部分之间提供了视觉参考。The two windows are opposite each other on the two façades, creating a visual reference between the two sections of the chalet.

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这个住宅名为“布兰奇的小屋”位于Cap-à-l'Aigle——坐落于圣劳伦斯河边的沙勒沃伊风景区的一个古色古香的小镇。The Blanche Chalet is located in Cap-à-l'Aigle, a quaint town in the scenic Charlevoix region that sits along the Saint Lawrence River.

云冰河度假屋归当地的中资机构所有并经营,极受会讲中文的游客欢迎。The Rompin River Chalet is owned and operated by local Chinese interests, who were especially welcoming to a Chinese-speaking foreigner.

德州低价出租滑雪高尔夫度假小屋牧场温泉酒店度假胜地和度假胜地湖捕鱼公寓出租小屋酒店在得克萨斯州。Texas cheap ski chalet rental, farm and Golf Resort and Spa Hotel and Resort Fishing Lake House Hotel apartment rental in the state of Texas.

我们留在8.00我们在卢瓦尔河谷小木屋星期日上午试图在艾菲尔铁塔的照片拍摄和凯旋门在黎塞留。We left our chalet in the Loire Valley at Richelieu at 8.00 am on Sunday to attempt a photo shoot at the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe.

本公司隆重推出乡间小别墅,有车库,有庭院,让您享受宫殿般的豪华,村舍样的温馨。Grandly introduce country villa with garage and courtyard, which will enable you to enjoy luxury as in a palace, feel the warmth as in a chalet.

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此地到处可见阿尔卑斯风格的建筑,这个项目则是用现代手法诠释经典的阿尔卑斯风格建筑。Alpine architecture predominates in the region, so the project was designed as a modern interpretation of the classic alpine house and chalet typologies.

在奥地利,我们很幸运能暂别露营和朋友们住在一起。In Austria, we had been lucky to have a break from wild camping, though, staying with some friends, Matt and Julie Crawford, in their chalet in Zell am See.

现年76岁的波兰斯基不再被软禁在格施塔德的别墅里,已获得释放。1977年,波兰斯基承认他在加利福尼亚给13岁的女孩儿灌药,并与其发生性关系。Polanski, 76, who admitted to drugging and having sex with a 13-year-old girl in California in 1977, was released from house arrest at his Swiss chalet in Gstaad.