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从面包房里飘出了诱人的香味。An enticing smell came from the bakery.

金秋十月,诱人的美食在等着你!In October, enticing food waiting for you!

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除此之外,我肯定这项买卖对于某些人还是很有吸引力的。Despite that, I m sure the deal is enticing to some.

故事情节很好,文笔细腻,插图精美。Good plot, great characterization, enticing illustrations.

一种轻微的焦糊味创造了诱人的香味。A slight char is also apparent, creating a very enticing aroma.

诱人的研究也来自热量限制的研究。Enticing research also comes from studies of caloric restriction.

让娜年轻美丽,散发出一股诱人的青春气息。Jeana young and beautiful, sending up of a youth enticing flavor.

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他们说这龟壳很软,似乎这样一说这道菜就更诱人了似的。It was soft-shelled, they said — as if that made it more enticing.

旁边站一位帅哥美女作养眼花瓶让你看起来更光彩照人。Having an eye candy by your side makes you look even more enticing.

我们在生活中最迷人的一个角色,就是作为一个讲述者。One of the most enticing roles we lead in life is that of a storyteller.

中国越来越庞大的中产阶级食客群体对西餐厅依然具有吸引力。China's growing middle class of diners remains enticing to Western restaurateurs.

女性的表现是神秘的、诱惑的、极其难以接近的。The female form is mysterious, enticing and notoriously difficult to get hold of.

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这个高贵奢华的皮件广告传达了着一条诱惑的信息,“买我!”The quality and sheen of the luxurious leather send an enticing message, "buy me"!

而午餐和晚餐也有大量国际美食和美酒可供选择。You will be wined and dined with an array of enticing international and Greek cuisine.

他们提供免费的节目和卡通画,吸引学生在广场附近驻足。It also provided free TV shows and cartoons, enticing students to stay near the square.

这里最诱惑我的是来自南非的酒,我以前可从来没尝过。Most enticing to me were the South African wines, which I’d somehow never tasted before.

诱人的咖啡馆和小小的精品店使其成为周末散步的完美场所。Enticing cafes and small boutiques make it the perfect place for a relaxed weekend stroll.

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如此诱人的报价令买家趋之若骛,每次出价他们须支付一美元左右的费用。These enticing offers lure buyers, who must pay a fee of a dollar or so to place each bid.

很难想象一家汽车工厂像儿童博物馆一样鼓励顾客去喷绘自己的汽车颜色。It's hard to imagine something more children's museum-like than a company enticing adults to color cars.

但是,更快速的赌戏、更丰厚的奖池和更具吸引力的老虎机也不乏批评者。Yet moves towards faster play, bigger jackpots and more enticing machines are not without their critics.