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因为你没有得到他们的回应。Because you are not getting reciprocation from them.

贵行的好意我方保证随时回报。We assure you of our reciprocation your courtesy at any time.

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组织的所有制和行业性质存在交互作用。The reciprocation lies in the ownership and professional systems.

是否可以只是做朋友而已,不抱期望,不求回报?How about just being friendly, without expectations of reciprocation?

生源地和独生子女两变量的交互作用显著。The prominent reciprocation exists between ground source and only-child.

所有沟通经由最直接的互换,在心直接对心之间。All is communicated through the straightest reciprocation between direct mind to mind.

以楔形微体为例给出了描写应力互换定律的一般公式。The general formula to describe the reciprocation law of stress is given with diminutive wedges.

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单恋是爱是没有得到回报,即使回报通常是深切期望。Unrequited love is love that is not reciprocated, even though reciprocation is usually deeply desired.

社交媒体带有互换、回应、对话、链接的潜质。Social media carries with it the potential for reciprocation and replies, for conversation and connection.

系统运行稳定,证明该方法可用于往复式机械故障诊断中。The system is stable-runing, that prove this method can be used in reciprocation mechanical failure diagnosis.

除了让人热血沸腾的对决,足球不可或缺的一部分是技战术道高一尺魔高一丈的较劲。Not to mention vein-pumping competitions, an integral part of football comes from reciprocation of tactical head-butting.

互换原则经常被低估,但是纵观人类文化,它难以置信地影响深远。The power of reciprocation is frequently undervalued, but it is incredibly strong and influential across all human cultures.

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探讨了小波变换在往复泵泵阀故障识别中的应用。An approach to the fault identification of pump valves of a reciprocation pump by wavelet transform is presented in the paper.

慈善这个词也指无偿向他人贡献金钱、时间或者资源而不期回馈或者直接回报的行为。It also refers to the act of giving your money, time or resources to others without expecting a reciprocation or a direct return.

这想法并没有什么异乎寻常之处,但当我倾心于她时,我几乎完全忽视了自己的爱会得到回应的可能性。This was not an unusual thought, but in falling in love with her, I had somehow entirely overlooked the possibility of reciprocation.

为保证往复活塞式压缩机的运行可靠性和经济性,必须通过冷却系统对其进行良好的冷却。Reciprocation compressor must be well cooled by cooling system in order to ensure its reliability and economy in the course of running.

液压系统通过手动换向阀使油缸活塞带动上压板作上下往复工作,完成压缩、复位全过程。Through the manual valve to drive the clamp to do the high and low reciprocation work, completes the compression and reposition process.

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完善基础设施后的园区土地必将大幅升值,给投资开发商必然带来丰厚的回报。The value of district land will increase by a big margin after the infrastructure is completed. Investors will gain generous reciprocation.

本机床的启动与停止用一多片式离合器控制,滑枕的往复运动通过曲柄连杆机构实现。The start and stop of the machine are carried out by a multiple-disk clutch and the reciprocation of the ram is achieved by a crank connecting link.

本文所述往复转动步进机构是由槽轮机构、凸轮机构和差动轮系所组成。This paper discusses reciprocation rotation step-by-step mechanism which composes of groove wheel mechanism, cam mechanism and differential gears system.