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这样的科技成果可以促进出版商获得最大化的印刷物和数字出版的销售业绩。Such technology helps maximise print and non-print sales.

他完全配得上这个机会,从而将他已经展现出来的潜力发挥到最大。He fully deserves the chance to maximise the potential he has shown.

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为了使架子上的空间最大化,他引入了天窗采光。To maximise shelf-space, skylights rather than windows were introduced.

如何组织您的购物并且尽量提高新鲜产品的保质期。How to organise your shopping and maximise the shelf life of fresh produce.

那些能让利润最大化的食品恰好是高糖或者高脂肪的食品。The foods that maximise profit just happen to be those high in sugar or fat.

通过保证先绑好安全带,你可以达到最佳的效率和节约。Optimise your efficiency and maximise savings by securing your seatbelt first.

奥克尔斯的系统能让这些随风飘扬的风筝产生出最大的能量。Ockels's system uses these flying patterns to maximise the power the kites can generate.

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在格雷泽的全球商业计划中,这个团队在提升曼联的商业潜力上扮演着至关重要的角色。They are the engine of the Glazers' plan to maximise United's global commercial potential.

这些盛气凌人的人物往往相当自负,且极其重视个人荣耀。Such thrusting figures often possess considerable egos and want to maximise personal glory.

在比赛期间应该能看到这一切“最大限度地为公众意识做出贡献”。These should be visible during the event to "maximise the contribution to public awareness".

每一位管理人员应该培训和激励员工,使他们尽心尽力,作出最大的贡献。Every manager must train and motivate his staff to maximise their contribution and potential.

传动系统设备尽量增强卡车的通用性并延长卡车使用寿命。Maximise the versatility of your truck and prolong its service life with driveline equipment.

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笔筒中铅笔头的数量有限,所以要最大化地利用好每个铅笔头。There is a limited number of bullets in the cartridge, so maximise the use of each pencil point.

如果说没有抑制感使得我们更能得到超验的性爱,那有什么方法能让我们最大程度地达到那个境界?If lack of inhibition helps us have transcendent sex, what else can we do to maximise our experience?

为保证天花板的高度,所有的机械与电的装置都藏在墙里。The mechanical and electrical services are hidden in wall cavities so as to maximise ceiling heights.

各公司可根据自己不同需要,选择最合适的服务项目。让您以最低成本,获得最大的回报。You can also access to other services at a pay-per-use basis, which helps to maximise the cost return.

上星期,我就在那里,参加如何提高新的和健壮的杂交品种产量的小组讨论。I was there last week, on a panel discussing how to maximise the output of the new and vigorous hybrid.

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采用固3轴舵踏板最大飞行辛写实,使足部控制舵功能。Solid 3-axis rudder pedals maximise flight sim realism by enabling foot control of the rudder function.

这些措施的设计已尽可能与货币发行局运作原则保持一致。These facilities were structured in such a way as to maximise consistency with currency board discipline.

结果就是这些反应的规模太小,并且仅仅是为了将国内的、而非全球的影响最大化。As a result they have been too small and they are structured to maximise domestic impacts, not global ones.