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定性结果表明,总状毛酶产辅酶Q10。The qualitative analysis result shows that Mucor racemosus produces CoQ10.

黄色毛霉是东北地区生产腐乳用的菌种之一。Mucor flavus is one of the main moulds used in sufu production in the northeast area of China.

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因解热剂致“中毒性表皮坏死松解症”,大剂量应用糖皮质激素继发面部毛霉菌感染。She was infected by mucor on her face during the treatment of high dose of glucocorticosteroid.

测试后,他们发现马克感染了一种叫做“面包”型的毛霉细菌窦。After testing Mark, they found that he was infected with a sinus bacterium called Mucor "bread mold".

毛霉菌种的质量的好坏直接影响到酿造食品质量的优劣,简述了毛霉菌种的制备方法。The quality of mucor is the direct cause for the quality of product. In this paper, the method of mucor was introduced.

目的探讨悬浮床在治疗大面积烧伤病人毛霉菌感染时的特殊作用。Objective To explore the special role of suspension bed in the treatment of large-area burn patients with Mucor infection.

该文对黄色毛霉在腐乳上的生长情况进行了观察,并对腐乳在发酵过程中的蛋白、脂肪、游离脂肪酸、氨基态氮的含量变化进行了研究。The growth of Mucor flavus and the changes in crude protein, crude fat and amino nitrogen of tofu were investigated in the present study.

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豆腐的内部已经大为不同了,毛霉菌分泌蛋白酶,让大豆蛋白降解成小分子的胨类、多肽和氨基酸。The interia of tofu is completely different. Mucor secretes proteinase making soy protein degrades into smaller molecules of peptones, polypeptide and amino acid.

对腐乳发酵过程中甲壳素酶、脱乙酰甲壳质酶、壳多糖酶和N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖酶进行研究,旨在探索腐乳毛霉后发酵菌丝自溶机理。The chitinase, chitin deaceylase, chitosanase and N-acetyl-glucosaminase were detected to explore sufu mucor hypha autolysis mechanism in the course of sufu fermentation.

从毛豆腐中分离出一株毛霉,并应用于表面成熟干酪,以研究干酪成熟过程中所发生的蛋白质水解作用。A strain of Mucor was isolated from mao-tofu originated from in China and smeared on the surface of fresh cheese. The proteolysis occurring during cheese ripening was studied.

毛酶蛋白酶对大豆蛋白有较高的水解效率以及对蛋白水解物良好的脱苦效果,因此在大豆多肽的制备方面显示出很好的应用前景。Proteases from mucor had a good market prospect in the production of soy-polypeptides for their high hydrolysis efficiency to soy protein and debittering effect to hydrolysate.

在研究毛霉M1和根霉M2的生长温度和产酶特性的基础上,进行了三个不同配比的腊八豆生产实验。The growth temperature and situation of producing enzymes from Mucor M1 and Rhizopus M2 were studied. Experiments on three different matching of Mucor M1 and Rhizopus M2 were done.

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再通过离心、压榨、接种毛霉,加糖加盐对其进行风味的调整,从而得到质地紧密、咸甜适口、香味醇厚的风味干酪产品。The optimum conditions was obtained. After centrifugation, pressing, mucor inoculation, dehydration and flavor adjustment, the flavor cheese was obtained, which was of good color, flavor and smell.