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我吻了他的手掌。I kissed his palm.

那是一棵棕榈。The tree was a palm.

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手板葫芦是葫芦的一种。Palm gourd is a gourd.

我可以看你的手相。I can look at your palm.

我的名字是魏懋棕榈。My name is Justina Palm.

还有巨蛇,在棕?树中睡觉。It sleeps in a palm tree.

失败还是前瞻?Palm Foleo flop or future?

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一只鸟停落在他的手掌上。A bird settled on his palm.

我把它重新放到我的手掌心。I put it back into my palm.

咳嗽。手心热,流鼻涕。Cough. Palm hot, runny nose.

我在手掌里翻转着那块石头。I rolled the stone in my palm.

这个手势的手掌是朝里面的。That is a V with palm inwards.

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半册竹简,掌上世界。Half copies bamboo, palm world.

它是我的掌上盆景-----仙人球。It is my palm bonsai ----- cactus.

这贝叶是用来写字的。These palm leaves are for writing.

这种机器叫手板葫芦。This machine is called palm gourd.

酒店位于西棕榈滩,佛罗里达州。Hotels in West Palm Beach, Florida.

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这是顶完美的宽边沙滩帽。This is the perfect Palm Beach hat.

他不应该把这样的东西塞给你。He shouldn't palm such stuff on you.

嫩枝红色,老枝棕红色。Burgeon red, old branch palm is gules.