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慢性心脏疾病咋办?Chronic heart disease?

他患了慢性咳嗽。He had a chronic cough.

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对于慢性病性贫血。Anemia of chronic disease.

你是个经常担忧的人吗?Are you a chronic worrier?

他这个人老是抱怨。He is a chronic complainer.

如何治疗慢性胃炎?How to treat chronic gastritis?

我有一种长期的对风翔的恐惧感。I have a chronic fear of flying.

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我的慢性气管炎也好了。My chronic tracheitis is healed.

如何治疗慢性咽炎?。How to treat chronic pharyngitis?

象是患了慢性肝炎。It seems to be chronic hepatitis.

慢性胃炎的症状?The symptom of chronic gastritis?

慢性鼻炎怎么才能治好?How can chronic rhinitis just cure?

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慢性咽炎是什么病?What disease is chronic pharyngitis?

情绪障碍是轻度,长期的抑郁。Dysthymia is mild, chronic depression.

我有慢性胃痛的烦恼。I'm troubled with chronic stomachaches.

性病是一件很磨人的事。It is a torture to have chronic disease.

急性和慢性甲沟炎的手。Acute and chronic paronychia of the hand.

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长期的空虚或者厌倦感。Chronic feelings of emptiness or boredom.

可植入的智能芯片抗慢性疾病Implantable Smart Chip Fights Chronic Pain

50岁女性,慢性膝关节疼痛。A 50-year-old woman with chronic knee pain.