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你能守住秘密吗?Could you keep a secrete?

唾腺分泌唾液。Glands in the mouth secrete saliva.

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杯状细胞主要分泌黏蛋白5AC。Goblet cells usually secrete mucin5AC.

主细胞制造和分泌胃蛋白酶原。Chief cells make and secrete pepsinogen.

最后,她们分泌一种叫做松弛素的荷尔蒙。And lastly, they secrete a hormone called relaxin.

黏液细胞分泌酸性黏多糖。The mucous cells secrete acid mucopolysaccharides.

例如,当你发怒时,肾上腺素就会分泌。For example, when you get angry, the Adrenals secrete.

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外分泌由前列腺细胞分泌入小叶。分泌。Exocrine is the prostate cell secrete into little lobe.

细胞能否合成和分泌淋巴因子?T cell whether synthesize and secrete lymphatic factor?

它后脚上的腺体能分泌出毒液来。The glands on its hind feet can secrete poisonous fluid.

塑性收缩是由泌水沉降引起的。The plastic shrinkage is caused by secrete water settlement.

已经分化的组织分泌物称为抑素。Substances differentiated tissues secrete are called chalone.

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抗利尿激素分泌失调综合症的治疗?Fight diuresis hormone to secrete the cure of maladjusted syndrome?

毒镖蛙在身体皮肤下隐藏着亲脂性的碱性毒液。Poison dart frogs secrete lipophilic alkaloid toxins through their skin.

皮脂腺分泌油状皮脂润滑毛发和皮肤。Sebaceous glands secrete oil-like sebum for lubricating the hair and skin.

许多毒镖蛙会将其毒素隐藏在皮肤中。Many poison dart frogs secrete lipophilic alkaloid toxins through their skin.

甲氰咪胍系H_2受体阻断剂,有强大的抗酸分泌作用。Mi the Gua fasten H_2 is stop by body, have a strong nti—sour secrete a function.

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汗腺在青春期由于激素刺激持续分泌一种脂性汗。Starting at puberty, hormones stimulate them to continuously secrete a fatty sweat.

皮质层和髓质层都会分泌激素,但却各有其功能。Both the cortex and the medulla secrete hormones, but they have different functions.

一些植物种类,如利马豆,分泌一种蚂蚁感到美味的花蜜。Some plant species, such as the Lima bean, secrete a nectar that ants find delicious.