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它用一种报仇雪恨的神情望着你。It looked at you with a vengeful aspect.

若某复仇神,笑声天上起IF but some vengeful god would call to me

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怀有强烈报复心的恶魔并没有忘记他之前的看守。The vengeful demon had not forgotten his former jailors.

佐助的复仇的眼神是真正的火影力量!Sasukes vengeful eyes invoke the real strength of Naruto!

T-Bag站在May的尸体袋旁边,眼神里透着复仇的火。T-Bag stands over May Tag’s body bag, a vengeful look in his eye.

由逊尼多数派愤怒掌权,将会带来极大风险。The risk of a vengeful takeover by the Sunni majority is too great.

没死的猎人躲在它的护盾里,咆哮着复仇的吼声。The surviving Hunter ducked behind its shield, bellowing a vengeful cry.

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我觉得生命太短促了,不值得把它花费在怀恨和记仇上。I think life is too short, not worth it to spend in the bitter and vengeful.

把你内心深处的探险因子找出来,它比你的复仇心理强大和聪明。Find your inner courageous explorer who is larger and wiser than your vengeful victim.

老陈会和那个放高利贷的人以及其他要债的人谈谈。Mr. Chen would speak with the loan shark and all the other vengeful parties in the matter.

这是一场萨特发动的战争,他们要为他们堕落之父——哈维斯的死报仇。This was the War of the Satyr and they were vengeful for the death of their fallen father, Xavius.

不管那是一个关于复仇幽灵的故事,还是一个图谋不轨的连环杀手,鬼故事的结构框架都是很简单的。Whether it's about a vengeful spirit or a stalking serial killer, ghost story structure is simple.

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不管那是一个关于复仇幽灵的故事,还是一个图谋不轨的连环杀手,鬼故事的结构框架都是很简单的。Whether it’s about a vengeful spirit or a stalking serial killer, ghost story structure is simple.

同时,女孩花花被傻沙谋杀,她鬼魂回来报复。Meanwhile, a girl named Wan is murdered by Au, she returns as a vengeful ghost waiting for the revenge.

作为吸血鬼的她如此迷人,甚至连吸血鬼杀手刀锋战士都为她而倾倒。She was such a hot to trot vampire that she could melt even the heart of vengeful vampire killer Blade.

我们没有复仇之意。如果他害怕,只能说明当时他居心不良。We are not vengeful at Chelsea. If he is afraid, it will only be if he does not have a clear conscience.

如今,一周来,经过武装人员炮火的凶猛攻击,这里已成为废墟。Today, the complex is in ruins, damaged by a week of intense clashes and vandalised by vengeful fighters.

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伊莎恩因这个职位和冷酷无情的性格而获得了“冰心”的称号。From this position, and from her icy, cruel and vengeful personality, Ysanne earned the nickname "Iceheart."

如果你是挑战,你把它作为个人的侮辱,往往批评,并争取在报复性地回来。If you are challenged, you take it as a personal affront and tend to lash out and fight back in a vengeful manner.

复仇行为不仅不会带回尊严,还会浪费时间和精力,无助于完成真正重要的事情。Vengeful behavior is not only undignified, it takes too much time and effort away from the things that actually matter.