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在光明中巍然屹立!In bright detachment stand!

超脱是纯粹的,是纯真无邪。Detachment is purity, is innocence.

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内心超然并非漠然尘网!Inner detachment is not indifference!

小分队提前出动了。The detachment set off ahead of schedule.

我们的特遣队的队长就是一名F-16飞行员。Our detachment commander is an F-16 pilot.

先头部队打响了。The advance detachment has engaged the enemy.

里德利以一种吹毛求疵的超然态度看待他的作品。Ridley viewed his work with a cynical detachment.

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将电缆线从计算机上拆下来需要一小时。The detachment of cables from the computer will take an hour.

这种超然的感觉可以让你更好的控制思想和它的喋喋不休。Detachment gives a better control of the mind and its chatter.

我们是先头部队,大军随后就到。We are the advance detachment. The main forces will be here soon.

蒂将军带领一支克隆人分遣队抵达了布伦塔尔四号行星。General Ti also led a detachment of clone troopers at Brentaal IV.

海军陆战队的一支分队被留下来帮助消毁这些物质。A detachment of Marines was left behind to help in the destruction.

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我现在看的临床支队的一位经验丰富的旁观者。I am now watching with the clinical detachment of a seasoned voyeur.

诗中更有一种如仙般超脱尘世的飘逸。If the poem is more of a fairy-like detachment from worldly elegant.

斯多葛派也通过从世俗事物中分离来教导一种和平。Stoicism also taught a peace through detachment from worldly things.

你们说,“淡定跟成功有什么关系?I hear you now saying, “What has inner detachment to do with success?

一个由经挑选出的士兵组成的举行军人葬礼时鸣枪致敬的分遣队。A detachment of soldiers chosen to fire a salute at a military funeral.

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第三分遣队则在泰姬饭店内大肆蹂躏了三晚。A third detachment wreaked havoc for three nights inside the Taj hotel.

这可能会导致他们有感情,支队和减弱的情绪。This may cause them to have feelings of detachment and blunted emotions.

目的探讨睫状体剥离的形态学改变。Objective To evaluate the morphological changes of ciliary body detachment.