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许愿就是债,欠了不容赖。Promise is debt.

许愿就是债,欠了不容赖。Promisee is debt.

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一旦银行抵债。Once the bank debt.

你有一笔债务要偿还。You have a debt to pay.

我喜欢债务滚雪球。I love the debt snowball.

谁拥有希腊的借款?Who owns that Greek debt?

大公国际对这笔债券给出了AAA评级。Dagong rated the debt AAA.

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赌博使他负了债。Gambling laid him in debt.

我欠下了我父母的人情债。I was in my parents' debt.

我怎么可能还得起这么大的一笔债呢?Howam I to pay such a debt?

他欠了一屁股的债。He's up his ass in debt now.

我怎样可能还得起这么大的一笔债呢?How am I to pay such a debt?

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永不会付还的债务。Debt which will never is pay.

他偿清了那笔债。He has extinguished the debt.

恶债不予偿还。Odious debt is not repayable.

你能免除我的债务吗?Will you forgive me the debt?

五分之一的人已经筑起债务。One in five had built up debt.

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我们永远也偿还不了这笔债了。You can never repay that debt.

信用卡负债能吞噬你的灵魂。Credit card debt devours souls.

他向我催讨债款。He duns me for payment of debt.