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四周尽是灰蒙蒙的雾。A thick greyish mist was all round.

液体稀薄,呈灰棕色。The liquid was thin and greyish brown.

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我看见了它两胁间斑白的羽毛。I could see the greyish feathers of its flanks.

尸检主要见腿部肌肉色白或灰白色。At necropsy, muscles in the leg were white or greyish -white.

红砖砌成的高耸的烟囱口上,冒出了一笔灰白色的飘忽的轻烟……Its towering red-brick chimney was giving off⑥ wisps of greyish smoke.

颜色呈浅红、褐红、玫瑰红色、褐及灰白色等。The colors are light red, brown red, rose red, brown, or greyish white.

他两眼死死盯住老狼灰黑的脊背。He fixes his eyes on the greyish spine of the old wolf as he swoops down.

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在白色石灰石和粉灰色石灰石之间是一层薄薄的黏土。Between the white limestone and the greyish pink limestone is a thin bed of clay.

两个灰色的像两个又长又圆的木头或石板一样的影子又向那里游来,它们是鱼。Two greyish shapes steered there, like long, rounded pieces of wood or slate. They were fish.

衬着一色的皑皑白雪和冬季灰茫茫的天空,这意大利别墅狰狞地赫然耸立高处。Against the uniform sheet of snow and the greyish winter sky the Italian villa loomed up rather grimly.

黑色变浅,成为了现在的灰蓝色,英国人将其极为恰当地描述为“鼠灰色”。The black colour is diluted and is now a greyish blue colour, beautifully described by the British as "Slate".

但是从两扇开着的小窗,慢慢地透进来灰白色的亮光,使我的眼睛看见了这个空阔的房间。The greyish sunshine projected through two open window made me realize I was in an empty room without anybody else.

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我要求将我灰褐色的头发染成深棕色并且挑染上一些亮金色。I rejected it and asked to dye my greyish brownish hair into a dark brown then to highlight it with blonde highlights.

灰绿色粗砂岩在成岩过程中经历了深部还原性热流体的作用。The greyish green gritstone had undergone the action of deep-seated reducing heat fluid during its rock-forming process.

在“泥巴狂欢节”的其中一项活动中,游客们可以在泥巴池里摔跤、冲泥流和洗泥巴浴,尽情享受玩泥乐趣。One part of the festival gives visitors the chance to play in the greyish goo at mud wrestling pits, mud slides and mud baths.

患者男,17岁,面部以双颧部为主出现灰褐色油腻性鳞屑斑片半年余。A 17 year old male patient presented thick adherent greyish brown oily scales on both sides of the face for more than 6 months.

灰品诺被认为是白葡萄,尽管在收获时这种葡萄的外观呈淡粉色,因此而得名。Pinot gris or pinot grigio is considered a white grape though its skin at harvest is really a greyish -pink color hence the name.

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背部呈灰棕色,两侧黄棕或灰棕色,布满大大小小的白色斑点。It has a brownish grey back and yellowish brown to greyish brown sides which are marked with numerous white spots of varying sizes.

特别是本来是白色的外墙已经开始变灰,大雨的冲刷在墙上留下了一道道水痕,这无意间泄漏了表面设计上的缺陷。In particular, the once-white walls were already greyish and showed streaks from the heavy rains – tell-tale design of a poor finish.

回忆起那个留浅灰色八字胡的绅士把她弄得多么莫名其妙的情景,玛丽娅气急交加,羞愧难当,面色陡变。Maria, remembering how confused the gentleman with the greyish moustache had made her, coloured with shame and vexation and disappointment.