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这是那头大象Here's an elephant.

这头象很大。The elephant is huge.

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那只象多大呀!How big that elephant is!

我看见母象了。I see the mother elephant.

熠,大象的耳朵很大。The elephant has big ears.

大象有对圆圆的耳朵。An elephant has round ears.

大象是四足动物。An elephant is a quadruped.

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换成大象I will put the elephant in.

象有四枝跤。The elephant has four legs.

一次我看见一头大象路过。Once I saw an elephant go by.

皮诺丘有个长鼻子。The elephant has a long nose.

那头大象有点逗人喜爱。The elephant is kind of cute.

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莲花的喻象更是这样。Lotus Yu elephant is the case.

峩需要尓就象峩需要空气。I need you elephant I need air.

我看到一只罕见的白象。I saw an unusual white elephant.

你,你这个冒牌的驯象师!You are a sham elephant trainer!

我学的象不象?The elephant that I learn unlike?

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这个喷水池真是废物。The fountain is a white elephant.

对我而言,小汽车是个昂贵而无用的东西。A car is a white elephant forr me.

他把小象放在口袋里。He put the elephant in his pocket.