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伊拉克基地组织在约旦的领导人。Jordanian leader of al Qaida in Iraq.

约旦政府发言人表示同意这一立场。Jordanian government spokesman echoed that position.

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海达尔打算逃往约旦首都安曼。Haydar plans to flee to Amman, the Jordanian capital.

约旦政府发言人表示同意这一立场。A Jordanian government spokesman echoed that position.

约旦情报系统的官员也变得更为热切。Officials within the Jordanian service were also growing anxious.

抗议者试图接近Daraa,靠近约旦边境。The protesters were trying to reach Daraa, near the Jordanian border.

抗议者们试图到达靠近约旦边境的德拉。The protesters were trying to reach Daraa, near the Jordanian border.

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阿卜杜拉二世国王等约旦领导人都表示欢迎和感谢唐外长访问约旦。King Abdullah and other Jordanian leaders extended warm welcome to Tang.

约旦皇室家族为此次佩特拉参选做坚强的后盾。The Jordanian royal family backed a campaign promoting Petra's selection.

陆克文当天还同约旦首相巴希特举行了会谈。Also the same day, Jordanian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd held talks with Bakhit.

阿布穆萨,约旦煤炭商人在他店内与一名小朋友握手,安曼。Abu Mousa, a Jordanian coal merchant, shakes hands with a boy in his shop in Amman.

在任何一点在采访中被确定为黑色工作,为约旦政府。At no point in the interview was Black identified as working for the Jordanian government.

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他同时也建议用另外一个约旦官员替换宾·查德。He also suggested that another Jordanian officer replace bin Zeid as Balawi’s case officer.

瑞安和发明创造经济中心现在正在从事向其它国家传授约旦经验的项目。Ryan and the CIEC are engaged in projects to transfer the Jordanian experience to other countries.

在约旦首都安曼的协助黎巴嫩募款音乐会上举烛的一名约旦人。Jordanian holds a candle during a fund-raising concert in support of Lebanon in Amman July 30, 2006.

其间,一名约旦士兵疯狂杀死了七名以色列学童。During the same period, a Jordanian soldier had gone berserk and killed seven Israeli schoolchildren.

约旦当局在将她遣返前在她的护照上加盖了“五年不得入境”的签注。The Jordanian authorities stamped her passport with a "five-year restriction" before sending her back.

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在这个有几分超脱尘世的部份约旦沙漠地区里,令人感觉彷佛是一脚踏进了历史的洪流之中。There's something other-worldly about parts of the Jordanian desert. A bit like stepping back in time.

2001年1月13日,正在约旦访问的中国国家副主席胡锦涛与约旦首相阿里·阿布·拉吉卜举行会谈。Visiting Vice President Hu Jintao held talks with Jordanian Prime Minister Ali Abu Ragheb on January 13, 2001.

胡锦涛还向约旦议会领导人介绍了中国在中东问题上的原则立场。Hu also briefed the Jordanian parliamentary leaders on China's principled position on the Middle East question.