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越来越多的都市人,开始注重心理健康。More and more urbanite begin to pay attention to mental health.

出行时耗是城市居民出行特征中的重要指标之一。Trip time consume is one of important urbanite trip characteristic indexes.

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要想看上去像个纽约城市人,那就入手一双带着自信穿上它们!To look like an New York urbanite , just don a pair and wear them with confidence!

成为重庆市居民的益处并不能转化到中国其他地区。The benefits of being a Chongqing urbanite still cannot be transferred to any other part of the country.

像北京、广州和上海这样的城市终会让最顽强的都市客透不过气来。Cities like Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai will, at a certain point, overwhelm even the staunchest urbanite.

这是一种融合了现代都市生活、环保、实用以及美学的全新诠释。It is a reinterpretation of modern design for urbanite , eco-friendly, practical and balances with aesthetics.

石硕是一名2008年毕业于清华大学艺术设计专业的河北城市户口学生。An urbanite from Hebei province, Shi Shuo graduated from Tsinghua University in 2008 with a major in art design.

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调查发现农民工也存在失业问题,而且比城市居民的失业更为严峻。Investigation shows that the peasant labors have problem of unemployment too, and have more severe unemployment than urbanite have.

这个改革涉及的只是一部分,因为成为重庆市市民的好处在中国其他地方却不能享受到。The reform remains only partial. The benefits of being a Chongqing urbanite still cannot be transferred to any other part of the country.

文章第一、二部分说明,我国进行城镇化建设的目标就是把农村人口转移到城市,使城市人口在总人口中占多数。It is argued in Part One and Two that urbanite will be transferred from person in rurality, and must be. majority of the total population.

最低生活保障制度是社会保障体系中社会救助制度的一个组成部分,是维护社会稳定、保障人民基本生话的最后一道“防护网”。Minimum living guarantee of the urbanite system is an integral part of the social assistance system, which can maintain social stability and ensure people's necessities.

研究人员发现,在拥挤的人群中生活会影响大脑中处理压力及情感的区域。urbanite has long suspected – life in the city is more stressful. Researchers have shown that the parts of the brain dealing with stress and emotion are affected by living among the crowds.

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虽然剧中并没有直指哪个城市,但是不少在大城市奋斗的“新都市人”,却感觉电视剧里的故事,很多就发生在他们自己身上。Although which city did not point to continuously in drama, but struggle not less in big city " new urbanite " , feel the old practice in teleplay however, a lot of happen on themselves body.

紫灿公司产品设计上追求的是一种大气、简约、充满时尚又颇具国际化气质的品牌视觉感受,希望通过紫灿旗下品牌产品为都市人营造出悠远闲适的悠然心境和健康活力的阳光生活。Our designing theory is fresh and elegant in style quaint and natural in fashion. We hope the product under our brands could help urbanite to build leisureliness mood and healthy energy life.

在重庆的户口改革已经陷入停滞,这是因为农民不愿意为了那些还不怎么靠谱的成为一个城里人所拥有的福利而改变户口,失去他们的土地。Hukou reform in Chongqing has stalled as thousands of farmers have refused to alter their hukou status out of fear of losing their land for the smoke and mirror benefits of being a bona fide urbanite.