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他就是个傻瓜。He is a dumb.

他是条哑吧狗。He is a dumb dog.

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吸烟是愚蠢的。Smoking is just dumb.

您可真有那么傻?Are you really that dumb?

她只是一个傻傻的金丝猫吗?Was she only a dumb blonde?

他生来就哑。He has been dumb from birth.

有害的“脂肪”能使你傻乎乎么?Can “bad” fats make you dumb?

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这里有个好笑的例子Here's a really dumb analogy.

他的辩才使得我们哑口无言。His eloquence struck us dumb.

远处的溪水静流淌。And the far-off stream is dumb.

做思想的哑巴圣徒。Be crazy dumb saint of the mind.

他很英俊,却是个笨蛋。He is handsome, but a dumb cluck.

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只有哑巴才妒忌多嘴的人。Only the dumb envy the talkative.

保罗今天与一个傻女结婚。Paul is marrying dumb Dora today.

时间会证实一切,笨女人!Time will explain all, dumb Dora!

我们都默默不语地坐在那儿。We all sat there in dumb silence.

你的行为让你看起来像一个笨小孩吗?Do you act like a dumb little kid?

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我可以原谅一个蠢汉。I could have forgiven a dumb brute.

保罗今天与一个傻女结婚。Paul is marrying a dumb Dora today.

聪明人为什么会做傻事?Why do smart people do dumb things?