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每天都有人会对其他的人做出不人道的事来。It is in the daily example of man's inhumanity to man.

每天都有人类以不人道的方式对待他人的例子。It’s in the daily examples of man’s inhumanity to man.

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其实交战双方皆有许多残酷无情的劣迹。Many instances of cruelty and inhumanity can be found on both sides.

既已被非人化,他们将拥抱非人性和残暴。Having been dehumanized in turn, they will embrace inhumanity and brutality.

同时,她也将重心从对阴谋幻想转入到现实中的不仁道。And she has shifted her focus from conspiratorial fantasy to real-life inhumanity.

当情势反转过来,过去生是加暴者此生就会受到更加残暴且不仁道的操控。The inhumanity and immorality of controlling others become obvious when the tables are turned.

我怀疑这是否这也许是因为人类对同伴的残暴而衍生出的某种宇宙平衡。I cannot help but wonder if this be some sort of cosmic justice for our inhumanity to our fellow man.

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作为对我的懦弱和不友好的赏罚,我被赶出了房子。I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house.

而我们将生活在群体对抗群体,党派对抗党派,无道对抗无道的关系当中。We will live amid the relationships of group versus group, party versus party, inhumanity versus inhumanity.

二战期间,日寇在玉山犯下了罄竹难书的滔天罪行,充分暴露他们的非人性。During the second World War, Japanese invaders committed monstrous crimes, which fully manifested their inhumanity.

数百万人的生存陷入有辱人格和非人道的深渊。Millions of human beings are subjected to an existence that is almost unfathomable in its degradation and inhumanity.

不遵守这一基本原则,就直接导致惨无人道的奴役和恐怖的种族灭绝。Failure to observe this fundamental principal leads directly to the inhumanity of slavery and the horror of genocide.

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在人类历史中,干涉是很稀有的,正如如此之多的灾难和暴行,人类对人类的残暴的例子的存在。Interference is obviously rare, in human history, as so many examples of disasters and brutality, man's inhumanity to man, exist.

“甜蜜之家”的两个主人形成了鲜明的对比,作者由此向读者揭示了奴隶制非人性的一面。There is a clear contrast between the two owners of Sweet Home and the inhumanity of the slavery system is exposed to the readers.

在这个国家的大部分历史中,我们这些被划分到美国黑人社区的人,一直都是以默默地接受这种人为的不人道而告终。For most of this country's history, we in the African-American community have been at the receiving end of man's inhumanity to man.

一夜之间,孟买涌现了许多新的英雄,他们在面对丧心病狂的歹徒时所表现出来的人性深深地震撼了人们。Overnight, Mr. Zende became one of Mumbai's new heroes, their humanity all the more striking in the face of the inhumanity of the gunmen.

日军的浩劫使湖区人民蒙受了前所未有的灾难,同时它也充分暴露了日本侵华战争的极端野蛮性和反人类本质。People there suffered a lot from the disaster. The havoc exposes the cruelty and inhumanity of the Japanese Aggressive War against China.

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这种人性素质和非人性素质的对立统一,其实就是文明社会中成年人身上所共同具有的意识和潜意识的双重状态。Actually, the contradictory unity of humanity and inhumanity is the consciousness and subconsciousness of human beings in the civilized world.

加缪认为荒谬是在非人性面前产生的不适感,是在我们所见的东西面前引起的堕落,是人与世界之间的唯一联系。Camus thinks of illogicality as discomfort aroused in the presence of inhumanity and degeneration in front of the substance human beings encounter.

这些都充实了儒家话语思想中诚信、仁义等的内涵。" Inhumanity " and "sycophancy" are criticized, thus deepening the meaning of faithfulness, justice and humanity in the thought of Confucian discourses.