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过去时。Past tense.

她非常紧张。She is tense.

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"eat"的过去时。The past tense of eat.

这个新菜鸟是谁?Whos the new tense girl?

呜呼,现在比下单前更紧张了。Now i am even more tense.

她今天显得十分紧张。She seems very tense tody.

使用正面的语气,现在时态。Use active voice, present tense.

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绷紧你的上下眼睑。Tense your lower and upper eyelids.

这里我们用到了一般现在时。Here we should use the Present Tense.

英语情态助动词有无时态形式?。Do Modals in English Have Tense Forms?

我看得出她是多么紧张,多么疲惫呀。I saw how tense and exhausted she was.

它是现在时也是过去时。It's present tense and past tense too.

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今天的启动是最为紧张的时刻。Today's start-up had its tense moments.

你应避免错用时态。You should avoid using the wrong tense.

在这种时态中,动词时如何变化的?How are the words changed in this tense?

我们也可以这样来表达将来时,Also we can use a future tense by saying,

你用将来时还是现在时?Do you use future tense or present tense?

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蜘蛛网紧绷着,等待着露水的触摸。A spider's web, tense for the dew's touch.

当你做这个动作时,不要收紧肩胛骨。Do not tense your shoulders as you do this.

密封舱里的气氛令人紧张。The atmosphere inside the capsule was tense.