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我不常在家请客。I don't entertain very often.

在语言方面取悦你的教授。Entertain your prof in the language.

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我们喜爱谈话、跳舞和请客。We loved to talk,dance, and entertain.

周末我们经常招待朋友。We often entertain friends at weekends.

哈丽特姑妈喜欢大摆宴席,招待宾客。Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly.

拿出甜蜜的情思来款待时光。To entertain the time with thoughts of love.

我不会接受那样荒唐的看法。I wouldn't entertain such an outragious idea.

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而天空中的绮丽色彩努力让我们快乐起来。And the colours in the sky try to entertain us.

你的前任开始卖弄风情,千万别取悦他们。An ex is flirting, do not entertain them please.

如果买主没付全款,本人有权不出货。We do not entertain buyer who do not pay in full!

娱乐艾殊利拿多少机械的装置?。How many gadgets does it take to entertain Ashley?

招待她,他也创建闪光自动点唱机。To entertain her, he also created the flash jukebox.

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他要大宴宾客,来者不拒,像王公贵族一样。He would keep open house and entertain like a prince.

我们有时确实要招待客人,所以那个大饭厅真是太好了。We do entertain quite a bit, so that'll be very good.

旨在进行教育的电视节目也能提供娱乐。A television program that educates can also entertain.

我们不能接受你方的还价。It’s impossible for us to entertain your counteroffer.

迈克尔走下病床去招待客人。Michael left his sickbed to entertain his house guests.

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放开心胸,用现实经验来放松自己。Unplug. Entertain yourself with real-world experiences.

你可以招待那个人下班后喝一杯。You could entertain the person with an afterwork drink.

大客厅是一个完美的地方来招待客人。Large living room is a perfect place to entertain guests.