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这是我的老朋友,克拉伦斯。This is my old pard, Clarence.

目前的司铎是钟宽仁神父。Our priest is Fr. Clarence Jones.

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我们今天还参观了克拉伦斯王府。and we visited Clarence House today.

我记得,克拉伦斯-恩狄是从东卵来的。Clarence Endive was from East Egg, as I remember.

我祝贺克莱伦斯,他是最出色的球员之一。I congratulate Clarence , he was one of the best.

我没有私人仇报克拉伦斯托马斯。I have no personal vendetta against Clarence Thomas.

克拉伦斯楼李和他的妻子,林贝聿嘉在最近的照片。Clarence F. Lee and his wife Peggy in a recent photo.

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老郭开车带我们去到西安市郊一个典型的中国农村外。Clarence take us to a village at the suburb of Xi'an.

他在德文波特克拉伦斯澡堂4号住下。He took up lodgings at 4 Clarence Baths in Devonport.

克拉伦斯的巴吞鲁日的凯郡和齐德科电台节目。Clarence in Baton Rouge Cajun and radio programs Zydeco.

阿利托、安托宁·斯加利亚和克莱伦斯·托马斯法官都表示同意。Justices Alito, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas agreed.

克拉伦斯又板起面孔,模仿起上校来。Clarence screws up his face and imitates the Colonel again.

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克拉伦斯宫表示,将于稍后公布婚礼详情。Clarence House said the wedding details will be announced later.

克拉伦斯今年已经七十开外,他继续从事艺术设计和创作。Now in his 70s, Clarence Lee continues to design and create art.

克拉伦斯。西多夫和罗纳尔多本来也可以各进两个球。Clarence Seedorf and Ronaldo could have also scored a two apiece.

我的辩护人是著名刑事辩护律师克拉伦斯。达罗。The for my defence was the famous criminal lawyer Clarence Darrow.

他的真名是克拉伦斯,曾犯下三宗谋杀案。His real name was Clarence and he was guilty of three counts of murder.

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在锡耶纳见证了黑天鹅代表红黑军团的第200次出场。Siena marked Clarence Seedorf's 200th appearance in a Rossoneri jersey.

克拉伦斯.百瑞就是这些人中的一个,他是加州的果农。Clarence Berry was one of these men. He was a fruit farmer from California.

阿利托、安托宁·斯加利亚和克莱伦斯·托马斯法官都表示同意。Justices Alito, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas agreed. Justice Anthony M.