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设置为飞机模式。Set airplane mode on.

这架飞机是适于飞行的。The airplane is airworthy.

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她从我的飞机上掉了出去。She fell out of my airplane.

在飞机后面是椅子。Behind the airplane are seats.

那架飞机正往南飞。The airplane was flying south.

两个人劫持了那架飞机。Two men hijacked the airplane.

这架飞机有两套操纵装置。The airplane had dual controls.

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蒂姆正望着一架飞机。Timm is looking at an airplane.

涡轮喷气发动机推动的飞机。An airplane with such an engine.

这架飞机正在应急放油。The airplane is dumping gasoline.

架纸飞机呼啸而过。A paper airplane whizzes overhead.

飞机在上空回旋。The airplane is circling overhead.

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刨工制造了一架行星飞机。The planer made a planet airplane.

我们乘飞机出发,飞机可真颠簸啊。We took an airplane. It was bumpy.

是谁开飞机打仗?。Who can fly the fighting airplane?

他依然很喜爱那个小飞机。He still loved the little airplane.

这架飞机在着陆时坠毁。The airplane cracked up in landing.

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飞机在山坡上坠毁。The airplane crashed on a hillside.

飞机坠毁在山坡上。The airplane crashed on a hillside.

我们给飞机导航使它安全降落。We beamed the airplane down safely.