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玩之前请看游戏说明。Please see game elucidation before play.

“天方夜谭!”男人给儿子的“谬论”下了定义。"Arabian Nights! "The man gives the elucidation in the son's"Miu theory".

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结束语部分说明语文科技教育的前景。End educational foreground in technology in language in elucidation in part in language.

因为世界上的成功着微乎其微,平庸者多余牛毛就是最好的说明。Because succeed in the world extremely minute, a surplus ox hair is the best elucidation.

这些是直接的、科学的、明确的、不能争议的事实阐释。It is a straight-forward, scientific, clear elucidation of facts that cannot be disputed.

结果有重要的意义SESAMI计算机增强结构鉴定制度。The results have significance for the SESAMI computer-enhanced structure elucidation system.

本文介绍了核磁共振差谱NOE技术及二个应用实例。This paper reports the structral elucidation of two compounds using pulsed NMR difference NOE technique.

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历史上,数据的可视化和事物之间的关系常被用来阐述讲解它们。Historically, visualisations of data and relationships between things have been used in their elucidation.

需氧增高性缺血引起的可觉察的暂时IMA水平变化的机制需要一个解释。The mechanism for detectable transient changes of IMA in response to demand ischemia requires elucidation.

本文主要说明了焊接十字柱的一般制作流程和加工方法。This text was main elucidation to weld ten word pillars of general creation process with process a method.

您是否已和原单位解除劳动关系?如果没有,请说明何时能够解除。Have you already relief the labor relationship with the original? If not. Please elucidation when can relieve.

利用一个简单的并联在节点和地之间的受控电流源进行分析。Making use of a shunt-wound controlled current source between the node and the ground elucidation is carried on.

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在当代历史语境中,“言志”文艺观的理论价值应该得到新的阐发。In the context of contemporary, history, "Yan-zhi" concept art theoretical value should be the elucidation of the new.

质谱学在新的甾醇特别是海洋甾醇的结构鉴定中起到了至关重要的作用。Mass spectrometry plays a crucial role in the structure elucidation on new sterols, notably those from marine organism.

这些看似矛盾的现象,既有社会心理结构和文化心态的原因,更可从“识心见性”、“见性成佛”的禅宗真义和诗歌的禅宗意象中得到释解。All these seemed to be contradiction, and we try to find an elucidation and unity from the Zen and imagery of his poems.

此技术有助于阐明那些参与介导肿瘤免疫排斥的重要因素。This technique should assist in the elucidation of those factors that are important in mediating tumor immune rejection.

从分子机制上阐明蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用是了解细胞动力学和可塑性的基础。Molecular elucidation of protein-protein interaction is essential for understanding the cellular dynamics and plasticity.

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最后采用反射测量法给出了WCDMA二端口无源互调测量系统框架和相应的参数说明。At last, measure frame and parameter elucidation of WCDMA two ports PIM system is given by adopting reflected measurement.

海明威擅长描写对话,经常用对话来代替描写、叙述、议论、说明。Hemingway is good at writing dialogues. He always uses dialogues to replace description, narration, comment and elucidation.

最后,作者对民初性教育思潮进行了简单的说明并对当今的性教育提出个人的期望。In the end, the author gives a simple elucidation on the sex education thought and also puts forward the personal expectation.