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鸽子对百灵鸟说。He said to the lark.

百灵歌声无人比。Singing by the lark.

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百灵被人网住抓走啦!Lark is caught by human!

你是一只云雀还是一只猫头鹰?Are you a lark or an owl?

而百灵鸟又只是一个别名。And the Lark was a nickname.

不过这只百灵鸟从来不歌唱。Only the little lark never sang.

那只快乐的百灵鸟在树林里鸣叫。The merry lark warbles in the forest.

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百灵鸟儿在空中欢快啁啾哟。When the lark in the sky sings joyfully.

这歌声就像百灵鸟一样清脆。It sounds like the singing of lark birds.

在那里,大家叫她百灵鸟。She was called the Lark in the neighborhood.

刚从他后面飞过头顶的百灵鸟说道。Said the lark who just came over from behind.

这时云雀满怀着喜悦和爱。Then the lark is so brimful of gladness and love.

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周家赌场开业,孙谦领着百灵上台表演。Weeks casinos opened Sun Qian led the lark stage.

其实跟着云雀起床才是再好不过的。But a lark is really the best thing to get up with.

我能听到,一只百灵鸟在某个高枝上,尽情地欢唱。I can hear a lark somewhere begin to sing about it.

从此他天天必去百灵场。And every day he returned to that meadow of the Lark.

他觉得毫无疑问,她一定为了消愁解闷才做新闻工作的。He was sure she must be doing newspaper work as a lark.

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可怜的百灵被关在鸟笼里像囚犯一样不快乐。The poor lark was most unhappy as a prisoner in a cage.

带着雀起乡式的微笑包裹每一便士的邮票吧。Wrap up every penny stamp in your best Lark Rise smile.

现在你唱得像百灵鸟,迟早有一天连调子都不会哼。One day you cant carry a tune, now you sing like a lark.