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因为我们还在以部落主义的方式思考。Because we are still thinking in terms of tribalism.

新部落主义在欧洲也越来越明显。The new tribalism is also increasingly evident in Europe.

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民族主义,地区主义和部族主义意识都在提升。Nationalism, regionalism and tribalism are all on the rise.

这种部落主义的死灰复燃对外交政策界意味着什么?What does this resurgence of tribalism mean to the foreign policy community?

一些古老的部落文化和腐败的传统一直根植于南方的土壤。Those old demons of corruption and tribalism already stalk the southern land.

南非种族隔离制将部落制度作为其对国土“分而治之”的政策基础。Apartheid used tribalism as the basis of its "divide-and-rule" homeland policies.

卡尔•波普尔将封闭社会与部落主义等同的主张重新审视和修改。Karl Popper's equation of the closed society with tribalism is reviewed and modified.

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在电视辩论赛中,肯雅塔先生将部落制称为折磨肯尼亚的癌症。During the debate Mr Kenyatta described tribalism as a cancer that has afflicted the country.

一项研究表明,本月的数字部族制度正在社交网络时代生机勃勃地发展。A study released this month shows that digital tribalism is alive and well in the social network era.

民族主义,以及它不幸的爱国主义,实际上是一种被美化,被高尚化的部落文化。Nationalism, with its unfortunate patriotism, is really a glorified form, an ennobled form, of tribalism.

虽然这些只是部落的发达,但他们共有特点是没有大量的贫困和犯罪。The defining common trait of these places is not so much poverty or criminality, though these certainly flourish, as tribalism.

部落主义也将威胁到国际组织的效力,而国际组织往往承载着团体之间的共同利益。Tribalism will also threaten the efficacy of international organizations, which tend to assume common interests between groups.

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他认为种族主义对这个国家很不利,不管种族如何,只有最合适的人才可以得到最好的工作。He thought that tribalism was bad for the country and that the most qualified people, regardless of their tribe, should get the best jobs.

中华民族认同感的兴起正在逐渐脱去它的社会主义外衣,我们完全可以将其视为新部落主义背后的驱动力。The rise of Chinese national identity, increasingly stripped of its socialist clothing, must be seen as the driving force behind the new tribalism.

公司鼓励员工喝麒麟啤酒,就是因为制造商是三菱家族的企业之一,它深信家族式发展是前进力量的来源。Its employees are encouraged to drink Kirin beer because its makers are part of the Mitsubishi family. The companies think this tribalism is a source of strength.

阿拉伯民族解放运动开始于上世纪三四十年代,是由一群渴望领导地区走出殖民地、落后和部落制度的过去的理想青年发起。The Arab nationalist movement began in the 1930s and ’40s with idealistic young men who hoped to lead the region out of its colonial past, backwardness and tribalism.

制度领袖们也必须找到方法缓和唯我论的部落文化,提出税收和福利国家改革方案,以平衡经济活力和社会凝聚力。Political leaders will have to find ways to moderate solipsistic tribalism and come up with tax and welfare state reforms that balance economic dynamism and social cohesion.

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教条的悲观怀疑者和文化决定论者曾断言"亚洲价值观"、拉丁文化、斯拉夫专制体制及非洲的部落制度均不可能实行民主。Dogmatic cynics and cultural determinists were once certain that "Asian values," or Latin culture, or Slavic despotism, or African tribalism would each render democracy impossible.