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小手袋,呸呸呸。Small handbags, bah.

呸,你快乐的圣诞节!Bah to a happy Chirstmas!

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沃尔沃对金属漆要另外收费——呸!Volvo also charges extra for metallic paint – bah.

但在1995年,尼日利亚北部一位名为穆罕默德巴阿巴埃的教师找到了解决的办法。But in 1995 a teacher in northern Nigeria named Mohammed Bah Abba found a solution.

但是在1995年一个位于北尼日利亚的名叫默罕默德的教师发现了一个解决方法。But in 1995 a teacher in norther northern Nigeria named Mohammed Bah Abba found a solution.

巴林和马来西亚非常平坦,没有路肩,不过在这里你必须要骑到减速弯上。Bah rain and Malaysia are very flat with no kerbs, but here you have to jump over the chicane.

但是1995年,北尼日利亚的一个名叫默罕默德的老师发现了一种解决方法。But in 1995 , a teacher in Northen northern Nigeria , named Mohammed Bah Abba found the a solution,.

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在你发现你低声抱怨“哼,骗子”之前,请尝试一下用以下的方法来恢复对假日欢喜之情。Before you find yourself muttering " bah humbug, " try these tips for rediscovering the joy of the holidays.

这就是你想出来的秘密会面?我呸!不论是谁训练的你的守卫们,他都应该被处死!This is your idea of a secure meeting? BAH ! Whoever is in charge of training your guards should be executed!

默罕默德·巴·阿巴以个人名义出资为自己的社区和附近5个村庄提供了5000个第一批的“罐中罐系统”。Mohammed Bah Abba personally financed the first five thousand pot-in-pot systems for his own community and five villages nearby.

扮成羊在他们家门口露营,咩咩叫著「你抢了我们的东西」,直到你被警察带走为止。Dress up as sheep and camp out in front of their houses. Bah "Yooooouu robbbbbed ussssss" until the police arrest you and take you away.

在原醛症亚型中,BAH患者糖脂代谢异常较为明显,其严重程度与患者病程有关。Among the subtypes of primary aldosteronism, the abnormalities of glucose and lipid metabolism of BAH were more severe, and the abnormalities are related with the duration of disease.