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适用于环境温度-25?Ambient temperature is -25?

这也是一个很重要的一环。But it was an important ambient.

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不要忘记做环境闭塞。Nao esquecer de fazer o ambient occlusion.

而这种设计会过滤掉大部分的环境噪音。The design cuts out most of the ambient noise.

在这段时间内,环境噪声分贝直线上升。Over that time span, ambient noise levels went up.

在环境温度下向表面应用胶化酸。Apply gelled acid onto surface at ambient temperature.

各地用户无需外部环境噪声回升。No external ambient noise around the user is picked up.

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添加量滑块周围声音和脚步的声音。Added volume sliders for ambient sounds and footstep sounds.

介绍了一种可室温交联乳液。An ambient temperature cross-linkable emulsion was described.

另一种空气温度传感器是充气波纹管。Another ambient temperature sensor is the vapor-filled bellows.

实际上,我们这里氛围音乐比黑金属要出现得早。In fact, ambient music appears earlier than black metal in here.

SUPERNOVA是一款充气式灯具,只产生柔和的热度。SUPERNOVA is an inflatable light that produces soft ambient glow.

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电缆敷设时环境温度应不低于-10℃。The ambient temperature under installation should not below -10℃.

每当环境温度变化时,都要重复消零操作。Repeat the zeroing process whenever the ambient temperature changes.

灯具工作现场的温度应当采取热电偶的方式来测。The ambient temperature shall be measured by means of a thermocouple.

这就允许第一个容器通过吸收周围的热量来重新升温…This permits the first container to re-warm by absorbing ambient heat.

婴儿常常可以从襁褓、周围声音和运动中得到安抚。Infants are often comforted by swaddling , ambient noise, and movement.

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环境光以不变的频率从各方向照亮对象。Ambient light illuminates objects from every direction at a constant rate.

也许您开始使用该设备在一个房间,其中环境空气质量很差。If the room's ambient air quality is not good , you may use the equipment.

热敏电阻是一个暴露在环境温度,另一种是密封的。One thermistor is exposed to the ambient temperature, the other is sealed.