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实验证明,菌丝片段分离法效果良好。The experiment proved the good result of hyphal fragment separation.

菌丝生长停止后,菌丝顶端钙调素浓度梯度消失。When the growth of hyphal tip cease, it shows an even Calmodulin distribution.

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白念珠菌的菌丝相细胞是进行其病原真菌学研究的适宜研究对象。Hyphal form of Candida albicans was thought to be the appropriate object of medical mycology.

支气管处可见由蓝色的菌丝构成的真菌球。A fungus ball composed of blue-staining hyphal elements of Aspergillus is seen here in a bronchus.

目的构建菌丝相白假丝酵母菌长片段基因表达系列分析文库并探讨其基因表达特点。Objective To observe the characteristics of gene expression in the hyphal cells of Candida albicans.

电镜下观察菌丝的横切面表明,处理菌丝的细胞壁消失,原生质解体。The hyphal cell wall disappeared and protoplast was dissolved by observation on electron microscope.

高磷造成AM真菌生长和代谢活性下降,是导致菌根效应下降的原因之一。Extraradical hyphal growth was inhibited at high P levels, resulting in decreased P uptake by AM fungi.

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抗、感腐霉利菌株菌丝细胞融合可导致融合后代抗性水平的变异。Variation of resistant level to procymidone due to hyphal fusion between sensitive isolate and resistant isolate could be detected.

当药物作用解除、菌丝恢复生长时,可以看到钙调素先于新的生长点出现之前在相应的部位出现聚集。With the recovery of hyphal growth, Calmodulin accumulates at the presumptive site of tip formation before new growing tip emergence.

此外,突变株的极性生长、分隔和肌动蛋白细胞骨架的重组都呈现异常。Also, the abnormalities of polar growth, septation and actin organization were observed during conidial germination and hyphal elongation of the mutant.

其根部组织之微细构造显示,皮层细胞内有菌丝复合体及菌丝圈之构造。The root ultrastructure examined with scanning electron microscopy revealed that hyphal complex and hyphal coil structures were present in cortical cells.

人类血清可以有效地诱导多态真菌病原体——白色念珠菌的菌丝生长,白色念珠菌会导致严重感染。Human serum potently induces hyphal development of the polymorphic fungal pathogen Candida albicans, a phenotype that contributes critically to infections.

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其抗菌作用表现在能显著抑制疫霉菌孢子的形成,降低孢子萌发率,还能引起病原菌菌丝壁溶解,原生质泄漏。The protein have wide antifungal spectrum, which can inhibited spore germination and penetrated hyphae , dan cause transmogrification of hyphal shape also.

外源植酸钠的存在,显著降低了AM真菌根内菌丝的碱性磷酸酶活性,增加了AM真菌在土壤中的菌丝密度。The ALP activity in intraradical hyphae of AM fungi was significantly decreased, and the total hyphal density of AM fungi increased with applied Na phytate.

接着对转化子和原始菌株进行菌丝生长速度、产孢、孢子萌发以及抗逆性等生物学特征进行了测定。Biological characteristics such as hyphal growth, sporulation, conidium germination and stress resistance of the transformants and the original strain were tested.

抑菌机理的研究表明,该菌株发酵液能够抑制黄萎病原菌的菌丝生长和孢子萌发。The study of inhibiting mechanism demonstrated that the fermentation liquor can inhibit the hyphal 's growth and spore's sprouting of pathogen Verticillium dahliae.

植物油加入到培养基后,促进了高度膨胀的菌丝体断片形成节孢子,同时增加了头孢菌素C的产量。Plant oil added to the culture medium highly stimulated swollen hyphal fragments into arthrospore and enhanced the Cephalosporium acremonium to produce Cephalosporln C.

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很多真菌的菌丝壁与其他植物不同,是由被称做几丁质或菌质纤维素含氮化合物构成的微纤维所组成。The hyphal walls of most species of fungi differ from those of plants in being composed of microfibrils of a nitrogenous compound called chitin or a form of fungal cellulose.

支气管处可见由蓝色的菌丝构成的真菌球。当真菌在因结核损害形成的腔洞内植入时,就可能形成真菌球。A fungus ball composed of blue-staining hyphal elements of Aspergillus is seen here in a bronchus. Fungus balls may also form when fungi colonize cavitary lesions of tuberculosis.

本文还详细研究了菌龄、酶系统、酶解温度和时间等多种因素对这两种鸡纵菌原生质体形成和再生的影响。While the effects of hyphal age, lytic enzyme system, osmotic stabilizer, enzymolysis temperature and time on the preparation and regeneration of protoplast were also discussed in this paper.