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但是,这值得一试。But it was rewarding.

但从另一些方面看也有很多好处。but very rewarding in other respects.

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这次真是不虚此行!This has really been a rewarding trip.

我从这次经历中获益良多,It was a really a rewarding experience,

而且赢得比赛的话,奖励也相当丰富。It's rewarding when you win, especially.

你会发现旅游中的收获才是最丰硕的。You may find travel to be most rewarding.

这件事本身就非常的值得。It's something that's rewarding in itself.

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学英文可以使我们获益,也可能是白白浪费时间。It can be rewarding or just a waste of time.

不时犒赏自己在饮食和锻炼方面的坚持Rewarding yourself for dieting and exercising

郭台铭也会给他的雇员优厚的奖励。Gou also makes a show of rewarding his employees.

莱芜市招商引资奖励办法Measures on Rewarding for investment of Laiwu City

完成一段长跑是一项非常有益的体验。Finishing a long run is a very rewarding experience.

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定制别墅和重新改造证实了更加有利可图。Custom houses and remodels proved far more rewarding.

他说,这是世界上最值得去做的挖掘活动。He said this was the most rewarding dig in the world.

只要它的动作越来越像跳舞,你就不停的去奖励它。And you keep rewarding it as it gets closer to closer.

他信奉广开思路、褒奖成功。He believed in cultivating ideas and rewarding success.

我保证,那将是一份非常有意义的经历。I promise, it will be an extremely rewarding experience.

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对父母尽孝,是人生最大的福气。To be filial is in fact the most rewarding thing in life.

下面我列出了一些最有价值的谢文东农业景点。Below I listed some best rewarding wow gold farming spots.

艰苦奋斗是值得的,三年后我们又相遇了。Hard work is rewarding And three years later, we me again.