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——可怜的妈咪。Poor Mammy.

——妈咪在哪里?Where’s Mammy?

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那是什么,妈咪?What's that mammy?

那么妈咪我们赶快吧。Let's hurry then Mammy.

他是我的爸爸。她是我的妈妈。He's my Dady. She's my Mammy.

我不可喜欢听金西嬷嬷算命。I don’t like Mammy Jincy’s fortunes.

告诉他,告诉他,我马就下去,奶妈。Tell him. tell him I'll be right down, Mammy.

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“是为了钱男人家才娶她们的,”嬷嬷断然说。"Men mahys dem fer dey money, " said Mammy firmly.

好的,奶妈。我就教她骑横座马鞍吧。All right, Mammy. I'll teach her to ride sidesaddle.

俺听你这声音像是着凉了,"嬷嬷怀疑地说。“Yo’ voice soun’ lak you catchin’ a cole,” said Mammy suspiciously.

俺听你这声音像是着凉了,"嬷嬷怀疑地说。“Yo’ voice soun’ lak you catchin’ a cole, ” said Mammy suspiciously.

奶妈,快去阁楼把我妈那个装有服装式样的旧箱子拿下来。Scoot up to the attic, Mammy get down Ma 's old box of dress patterns.

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老天啊,我以前从来没见过象这样折腾妈妈的宝宝。Lord knows I've never seen a baby keep its mammy so sick as much as this one has.

如果你不停止这种大吃大喝的话,你会跟奶妈一样肥的,那样我就会和你离婚的。If you don't stop being such a glutton, you'll get as fat as Mammy then I'll divorce you.

嬷嬷从堂屋里走出来,她是个大块头老婆子,但眼睛细小而精明,活像一头大象。Mammy emerged from the hall, a huge old woman with the small, shrewd eyes of an elephant.

猫和老鼠动画片当杰里被冤枉透了一片鸡肉的时候,两只鞋妈妈让汤姆抓住他。When Jerry gets framed for stealing a piece of chicken, Mammy Two-Shoes has Tom go after him.

他赶着车动身子,嬷嬷坐在他身旁,刚好构成一副非洲人撅嘴使气的绝妙图画。Driving off, with Mammy beside him, each was a perfect picture of pouting African disapproval.

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嬷嬷一面悄悄地哭泣,一面用一块旧围裙残余的破布当海绵,擦拭着两个枯瘦的身子。Mammy cried silently as she sponged the gaunt bodies using the remnant of an old apron as a cloth.

如果她还要等候很久,嬷嬷就一定会来寻找她,并把她赶回家去。If she had to wait much longer, Mammy would certainly come in search of her and bully her into the house.

嬷嬷蹒跚地走回堂屋,这时思嘉听到她轻声呼唤着上楼去找楼上的那个女佣人。Mammy waddled back into the hall and Scarlett heard her call softly up the stairwell to the upstairs maid.