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又闷又热。It is muggy and hot.

太难受了。南京的秋季啊天气闷热。It's muggy in nanjing in autumn.

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这是八月里一个闷热的早晨。It was a muggy morning in august.

这屋子里又闷又热。It is so hot and muggy in this room.

难道要自个儿闷在心里一辈子啊?Want son is in mind muggy during a lifetime from?

亦曾在安徽合肥的闷热天气中气喘如牛。And I’ve stifled in the muggy air of Hefei in Anhui.

抬眼看了看桃花,闷哼了一声。Lifted to see to see a peach blossom, muggy humed 1.

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由于湿气很重,外面很闷热。With all this moisture, it feels very muggy outside.

最后,终于在7月一个闷热的夜晚,杀戮被终结了。Finally, on a muggy night inJune, the killings ended.

我不理会她,径自闷头喝酒。I bypass her, the without acquainting anyone muggy head drinks.

闷热的夏夜,栀子花带来关于南方的回忆。On muggy summer night, gardenia brought about memories in the South.

五月最后一个星期一个闷热的晚上,母亲打电话到我宿舍来。Mom called me at the dorm one muggy evening during the last week of May.

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又过了几个星期,她清晰地说出了‘Mummy’,而在此之前的几个月她一直说的是‘Muggy’。A few weeks later, she said a clear "Mummy", after months of mumbling "Muggy".

龙卷风在闷热潮湿的雷暴天气发作,通常在暮春和夏天。Tornadoes start in muggy thunderstorm weather, usually in late spring and summer.

我宣誓忠于那些闷热天里在泥泞的海滩卖棉花糖的小贩。I pledge allegiance to the people who sell candy floss on muddy beaches on muggy days.

那是一个潮湿闷热的下午,我完全有理由为自己掬一把同情之泪。It was a hot, muggy August afternoon, and I had every reason to feel sorry for myself.

华盛顿依旧非常闷热,潮湿,尽管树叶已经开始变黄。Washington is still incredibly hot and muggy , though the leaves have started turning.

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当炎炎夏日和闷热的夏夜来临时,闻闻能让我们打起精神的气味正当其时。When summer comes and muggy summer night, smell the smell right time allows us to cheer.

容器空间狭小,潮湿闷热,环境恶劣,但是工人师傅们个个不畏困难,只有了三个小时就顺利完成了任务。Only three hours the tough workers have finished the work perfectly though the space is poky and muggy.

开幕仪式在一个闷热的早晨进行,村内街区的旗帜被因污染而产生的城市雾霾所笼罩。The ceremony took place on a muggy morning, with the village's blocks of flats shrouded in a pollution haze.