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这也许会助其得到一点点其梦寐以求的企业家精神。That might help it find a little more of the entrepreneurial vim it craves.

茁壮成长的青少年将在教师的指导与生龙活虎。The teenagers will thrive on teachers' guidance with full of vim and vigor.

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目前有5个科学调查队参加的铁金刚。There are currently five science investigation teams participating in the VIM.

而卡梅隆先生只是一个务实的贵族公子,把中间派从失去活力的工党手中争取过来了而已。Here was a pragmatic toff, claiming the centre ground back from a Labour Party that had lost its vim.

大强度组的结蛋白和波形蛋白显著减少,同时超微结构可见损伤性改变。In HIT, Des and Vim decreased remarkably. At the same time, the injury changes were found in ultrastructure of SMM.

本文介绍了在真空感应熔炼中,向炉内充氩防止锰的挥发的具体工艺方法。The article introduces in detail an argon-filling method in VIM in order to prevent the vapourization of manganese.

今天我们不用,而是用,另外一个文本编辑器。Nano Rather than use nano on this computer, Vim I'm gonna use a program called Vim, which is just another text editor.

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这个快捷键追溯到命令行文件编辑器,Vi或Vim起初以基于Unix操作系统为基础。The shortcuts can be traced back to command-line text editors Vi or Vim originally found on Unix-based operating systems.

基于VIM体系结构的向量微处理器可为科学计算、多媒体处理等领域提供性能高、功耗低、性价比高的解决方案。Vector processor based on VIM architecture is a cost effective solution in science computing and media processing etc domains.

花费大量的时间阅读.不要尝试一次就读完全部.收藏此文用于以后的参考.打开Vim编辑器并尝试本指南中所有的例子.Bookmark this article for your future reference. Open the Vim editor and try out all the examples mentioned in these tutorials.

这些试验数据和分析结果,为线列声纳阵水下拖缆隔振段的设计提供了技术依据。The experimental data and analysis results provide a technologic basis to design VIM of the underwater cable in towed array sonar.

波形纤维蛋白免疫组织化学染色在大部分纤维细胞、血管内皮细胞、血管壁及周细胞呈阳性反应。Immunohistochemistry was positive for VIM in a large fraction of fibrocytes, vascular endothelial cells, vessel wall and perithelial cells.

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它的逆转性和适应性使丘脑腹中间核刺激优于丘脑术和腹侧核毁损术。Its reversibility and adaptability make chronic Vim thalamic stimulation preferable to thalamotomy and ventral lateral nucleus damage method.

这些计算数据和分析结果,为线列声纳阵水下拖缆隔振段的设计提供了技术依据。The results from calculation and analysis can provide a technologic basis in the design of VIM for the underwater cable in towed array sonar.

如果平常的火狐没有包含Vim支持,Vimperator扩展可以让你时火狐处于伟大的Vim编辑模式。While plain vanilla Firefox doesn’t include Vim support, the Vimperator add-on allows you to bring the modal editing greatness of Vim to Firefox.

因为一但一个人开始精于键盘操作,纯使用键盘而屏弃滑鼠,速度将会更快并且错误更少。Some people prefer the mouse and some prefer the keyboard. I encourage you to use the keyboard as much as possible to experience the real power of Vim.

Vim是在UNIX和Linux环境唾手可得的最好的编辑器.以下的10个实践指南将会帮助你成为VIM编辑器的精通使用者.Vim editor is hands-down the best editor on Unix and Linux environment. These 10 practical tutorials will help you become proficient in the Vim editor.

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为制备无固相脱氧产物的高洁净钢,在真空感应炉内用碳对无铝高纯铁进行脱氧。In order to produce the extra clean steel without solid deoxidization products, aluminum free super clean iron was deoxidized by carbon in VIM refining.

丘脑核团立体定向射频毁损术治疗书写痉挛症安全、有效、基本无复发。Radiofrequency derogation under stereotactic orientation to thalamic nuclei Vo and Vim is safe, effective and basically without recurrence in Writer's Cramp.

但目前,我国真空感应冶炼过程控制技术落后、自动化水平低,严重制约着我国真空感应熔炼炉的发展。At present, for the laggard technique and the low-level automatization, the process control of VIM has restricted the development of vacuum induction furnaces severely.