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难以承受的,混响,颤音和立体声合唱。Sustain, reverb, vibrato and stereo chorus.

你是用向下按弦来产生颤音吗?GW Do you generate vibrato by pressing down?

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你是怎样发出这种音调和振音的?How do you produce this kind of tone and vibrato?

与其说手振音为振音,还不如说它是一种颤音。In fact, the hand vibrato is a tremolo rather than a vibrato.

我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。I encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato.

在讨论我的振音之前我们来看看振音实际上是什么。Before discussing my vibrato let us look at what a vibrato actually is.

和手振音不同的是,我的振音仍然可以在这种情况下运用。Unlike the hand vibrato, my vibrato can still be applied in this situation.

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我来演奏一段旋律,分有揉弦和没有揉弦两种表现,这样你们就能听出区别I'll play a melody without vibrato and with vibrato so you can see the difference.

那就是为什么我认为手振音在古典音乐中是不合适的。That's why I consider the hand vibrato inappropriate and useless in classical music.

弓举行,弓杆,语气,语调,转移,颤音都受姿态。Bow hold, bow stroke, tone, intonation, shifting, vibrato are all affected by posture.

最后,你将用尽所有常规的颤音动效果,所有你曾看见其他的人做过的方式。Eventually, you'll exhaust all conventional vibrato approaches, all the ways you saw someone else do it.

如果不知道,你们应该开始学习怎样压音,因为这是一种可以控制的古典振音的基础。If not, you should start to learn how to do that, because it is the basis for a controlled classical vibrato.

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此外,演奏者若使用不同的运弓和揉弦技法还能产生出不同的音乐风格。In addition, a performer can also produce different musical styles by varying the bowing and vibrato techniques.

其中有个技巧,你们看我左手的手法,我略微揉动琴弦引发出颤音One of them is the technique you saw me do with my left hand where I wiggled it a little bit. It's called vibrato.

振喉音需要长时间去培养,但是值得付出的,因为这在很大程度上会改善声音的效果。请查阅本站关于振喉音的课程。Vibrato takes a long time to develop, but it is worth the effort, as it will greatly improve your sound. Please read the lessons on vibrato.

从屋檐滴到花砖上的,有如古筝的音,点点滴滴,回音空澈,像是打在心上,总惊起一个颤音。Dripping from the roof tiles on, like a zither sound, bit by bit, echo empty Che, like playing in mind, the total really does make a vibrato.

实际上我不理解为什么经常会问这样的问题,因为事实上我的振音的理论已经为他们每个人所知了。Actually I do not understand why this question comes up so often because, in fact, the theoretical basics of my vibrato are known to everybody.

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爱是一种心痛,似拨动你心灵的颤音,爱是一汪情怀,似静谧而又荡漾的海湾。The love is one kind of heart pain, resembles moves your mind the vibrato , the love is a Wang mood, resembles bay which quiet and also ripples.

文学戏剧情节的有序安排和音乐音响上的朦胧性形成了结构上一张一弛、一紧一松的特点。The orderly arrangements of plot in the libretto, together with the obscurely formed music and sound contribute to the"vibrato"of the musical form.

用吐音方法吹奏,有滑音、打音、颤音、抹音、琶音、飞指等技巧,可用循环换气法奏长时值音符。With spit-way play, Huayin, a sound, the vibrato , hand-, Payin, such as flying skills that can be played by a long cycle of ventilators value notes.