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你早晚得把我假了!You'll be the ruination of me!

过度劳累搞垮了他的身体。Overwork is the ruination of his health.

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晚霜能冻死园中的植物。Late frosts are ruination for the garden.

也不知怎的,我们每人都是她毁容的帮凶。Somehow, we are all complicit in her ruination.

有人认为橄榄会使马丁尼酒走味。The olive is spoken of as the ruination of martini.

我原是纯洁的,可一个管子工破坏了我的贞操。It was a working plumber was my ruination when I was pure.

没有道德依托的知识,是对人性的毁灭。Knowledge without conscience is the ruination of the soul.

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就如我们的所怀疑的说,要毁灭是他们的目标,美国还是帮凶呢!If ruination is their goal, as some of us suspect, then this is the perfect accomplice.

这句话有必要牢记,这助于理解为什么独立后的印度政治领导人要面对如此艰苦的状况。It is necessary to remember this state of ruination in order to understand the gigantic tasks that faced independent India’s political leadership.

与西班牙和爱尔兰的房地产行业仍然没有完全恢复过来,他们遭受毁灭,在全球金融体系几乎崩溃。And the Spanish and Irish real estate sectors still haven't recovered from the utter ruination they suffered when the global financial system almost collapsed.

与此同时,在毁灭中迷失理智,保守党将会因为这个国家被同性恋婚姻、堕胎和“自由媒体”毁坏而悲叹。”Meanwhile, lost in their oblivion, conservatives will continue to bemoan the ruination of the country by homosexual marriage, abortion, and "the liberal media."

如果你憎恨必须得给那帮打劫的戴面具的小孩子们糖吃,那就安慰自己说我是在给他们长虫牙做贡献。If you resent having to provide treats for marauding hordes of masked children, console yourself with the idea that you are contributing to the ruination of their teeth.

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就连宙斯也要为自己的注定被另一神取代的命运而慌恐不安,奥定也得为预知诸神毁灭之命运而忧悒。Even though Zeus is intranquil and in a flurry about his own destiny that he would be replaced by another deity, and Oteng is also worried about predicting other deities' destiny of ruination.

以往的水、气两表的管理大多采用人工完成抄表、制表和收费等工作,这显然已不符合现代化、智能化的要求。The used way to manage water and coal gas to copy the meter numbers, make data statement, charge and etc. It is obvious that dose not meet the equipment of ruination and intellect utilization.